Last night, we went to a buffet and I ate, like it was my last meal on earth. I'm actually quite embarrassed about the amount of food I consumed. Oops.
2011 was a great year for the Anderson's. I think the highlight of the year was when we took our first family vacation to Palo Duro. This year, I'm not sure if it will be possible for us to take another trip, since I won't have much vacation time to spare.

2012 Goals
1. Financial Goals
- Pay off the doctor bill before baby arrives. Have $ set aside to pay the hospital bill all at once.
- Cancel Satellite Service when football season ends.
- Buy more off brand/generic items. Cents add up to dollars.
- Add nothing to credit.
- Start saving to build a home gym/Game Room. Trey and I would like to close in the back patio. I don't anticipate starting construction this year, but we would like to start saving for it.

2. Go on a Trip with Trey before I have the Baby
- We already have hotel accommodations taken care of, now it's just a matter of deciding on the date.
3. Run/Bike/Swim 800 Miles this year
- Last year I set a 1,500 distance goal and I surpassed it, covering 1,510 miles. It wasn't easy. This month, I felt like all I was doing was running my butt off. I was so determined to reach my goal I was on a 12 day running streak. If I run today, the streak will continue....
This year, since I'm pregnant and will take several weeks off from physical activity, I think 800 is within reach.
4. Eat Healthy
- One thing I learned from participating in the Paleo 30 day Challenege is that as much as I love the way grains, dairy, and legumes tastes, my body does not react well to them. This year, I will do my best to eat them sparingly and ease my way back into a paleo'ish lifestyle. Did you hear that pregnancy cravings? But trust me, I won't go all paleo natzi.
This was my first meal of 2012...I'm already off to a fantastic start and for lunch we went out with Katy and Chad and I had a chicken salad. Pat on the back --- right here.

5. Spend more time reading Scripture and meditating
-I do best when I have a devotional/guide.
6. Less Snuggle Time with My Snuggie
- Remember that silly Resolution? I said I would spend less time getting cozy with it and more time getting cozy with Trey. Yeah, I need to work on that one...repeat resolution for 2012.

Do you have any goals for 2012?
Trey's mom wants to walk a 5K this spring. That's pretty awesome, if you ask me.
Trey has no goals...he thinks they are silly. Psssh, goals who needs them?
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