Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Week in Instagram Pictures

Mornin', friends!

I'm on my way to take photos for two nursing events. I'll be on my feet all morning and then for several hours this afternoon. I GOT THIS.

Here is what my camera bag looks like (see pic below). I have 2 cameras and 4 lenses (one is missing from this pic). I think I'm going to leave behind my portrait lens. I had 2 other photography events, this week and I only used it for maybe 4 shots, that's it. I just don't utilize it as much for event photography.

I really like my camera bag and to think I was considering selling it. I'm crazy.
I can't decide which camera to use, for this shoot. Think I'm going to go light with the T2i.
Speaking of photography, I finally printed portraits of Cheyenne. I hung a copy of this 8x10 photo in our living room. I need to get in a better habit of rotating pictures out of the frames.
My latest coffee craving is La Madeleine. There is a LM cafe on my way to work. That's dangerous!!! However, their coffee is more affordable than Starbucks, about half the price. I'll take that. Any get up kids fans? I use to listen to them all the time in high school.
My Morning Commute Looks Like This

This evening, I was getting Cheyenne and Erin had all this dinner for me. She said she knew this week had been busy for me and she wanted to help out. THIS WAS SO NICE!!!!! Don't judge me, but I totally started eating the veggies on the car ride home, with my bare hands. I couldn't help myself.

I had to resist eating all this food in one sitting. I ate half of it and I'm saving the rest of it for my lunch, later today.
Erin made me dinner. How nice.
Trey is off the hook for mother's day. He doesn't have to get me flowers, since the faculty already got me some.
My Office Flowers. It looks like the day is starting to looking up for me.
I didn't want to leave them in my office because I knew they would die fast, since it's a sauna. I'm not even joking. This is what my commute looked like. I had Chey's booster seat, so she used that.
Now we are ready for the commute home
Mmmm, frozen pizza with fresh herbs.
I was Craving Pizza
Herbs, pulled from the earth.
I don't know about you, but I think avocados make a meal.
Home Cooked with fresh herbs from the garden
I'll leave you with this sweet photo of Cheyenne. Everyone, have a fantastic weekend. I think I just want to stay home and recover from a busy work week. I'm going to have a bazillion photos to edit.
Story Time

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