Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We Made it Home

We are finally home!!!! We were discharged at 10:30 am this morning.
Bringing Dakota Home
We were hoping to leave the hospital yesterday, but we had to stick around to see if Dakota's jaundice level was going to spike. This morning, the results showed she was not in a danger zone, but as you can see in these pictures, she does have a yellowish tint. Tomorrow, we have to follow-up with her pediatrician.
Hospital Newborn Proofs
Can we talk about what no one is mentioning????....I gave birth to an 8 lb 7 oz baby!!!!! That's huge for my frame. This explains so much, the soreness and all. Dakota is so sturdy compared to when Cheyenne was born. Cheyenne was a frail 6 pounder. Speaking of Cheyenne. Dakota looks just like her, don't you think? Here is Dakota....
Hospital Newborn Proofs
And this is Cheyenne, 2008
Cheyenne's First Few Weeks
Another newborn picture of Cheyenne
Cheyenne's First Few Weeks
Features can change a lot over the course of a year, so we'll see if we have another Cheyenne running around here. Trey's genes may win this battle, again.
Hospital Newborn Proofs
She is all her own, special kind of beauty. I love her and I'm so glad we are at home, getting to know each other.

We are both doing great. I'm recovering much faster than I expected. Yesterday, I walked a little with Dakota on the nursery floor and I don't think I'll have to fill my pain medication. However, I am starting to get a nasty headache, I think it's a side effect from the epidural. I'm taking Tylenol for that. The only thing that's really bothering me, is my uterus cramping, while I feed Dakota. The pain should soften in the next week, I hope.
Hospital Newborn Proofs
Hospital Stay
(back track)
Last night, at 10:30 pm I called for the nursery nurse and she took Dakota out of my room and kept her, while I rested. Every 2 and half to 3 hours a nurse would bring her back to me, so I could feed her. I woke up at 5:30 am and felt rested. When Cheyenne was born, I didn't do this, I kept her in the room with me all night long. I also didn't get much rest.
The Day Dakota Sky Was Born
I'm so glad I got over feeling guilty about sending Dakota to the nursery. She was fine. I was fine and now I'm at home and I can function and I'm not doing this....every 5 seconds.
Bringing Dakota Home


  1. She looks just like Cheyenne! It's crazy. She's so cute!!

    1. I know! I was not expecting another Chey. Dakota's hair may be darker though.

  2. Love her already! She is a mini-chey! I love it! Can't wait to meet her!

    1. She can't wait to meet you too, she's heard so much about you!

  3. She is beautiful!! Can't wait to meet her in person : )

    So, since Erin's off to bigger and better things, has anyone mentioned a meal calendar? If not, I'd love to set one up for you!

    1. Thanks for setting this up for us. It helps us out more than you know!

  4. Congrats!! She looks just like Chey! so cute!
