Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our Hospital Stay & Our First Night at Home

Here are the last bit of photos from our hospital stay. This morning, Dakota had her first, in-office, doctors appointment. After the appointment, the doctor asked us to take Dakota to Cook Children's to get blood work done. A few hours later, the results came back and the test showed her jaundice levels are dropping, taking her out of the high risk zone. Tomorrow, we go back for one more test, but we're hoping that's it.

Our First Night At Home
Last night, Dakota slept in the pack-in play, next to my bed. She'd wake every 3 hours to feed. She had one stretch of 4 hours. I know Trey doesn't mind me moving around and feedings all through the night, especially, since Dakota hasn't been fussy, but I think tonight I'm going to move to the guest room.
The Day Dakota Sky Was Born

The Day Dakota Sky Was Born

The Day Dakota Sky Was Born

The Day Dakota Sky Was Born

The Day Dakota Sky Was Born

The Day Dakota Sky Was Born

The Day Dakota Sky Was Born


Bringing Dakota Home

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