Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dakota's Labor & Delivery Timeline

The Day Dakota Sky Was Born
Sunday, June 10th
6:30 am: Woke up thinking, I'm forever pregnant!

2:00 pm: I walked a little over a mile, to the supermarket and bought pineapple.

3:00 pm: I ate half of the pineapple even though I was still full from lunch.

4:23 pm: This is the exact time my contractions started. I know because I kept a contraction log. This first one, was only 40 seconds. Did the pineapple induce my labor? I don't know....

7:00 - 11 pm: I watched Madagascar and then Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. Throughout the night, my contractions kept getting longer and stronger.

Monday, June 11th
12:00 am: I took a shower and the contractions seemed to slow down.

12:30 - 4:00 am: I'm assuming I slept, through contractions.

4:05 am: Trey heard me moaning while I was sleeping and he woke me up and asked: "Are you having a contraction, right now?" I had no idea, until he woke me.

4:30 am STRONG CONTRACTIONS BEGIN. That's when we decide it's time to go to the hospital.

5:30 We took Chey over to Krista's house. By 6 am I was in a hospital room.

7:00 am: The doctor approves me to be officially admitted. By this time, I've been in serious labor for almost 3 hours. I'm in pain! At one point, I tell Trey not to talk, while I have contractions. Sorry, but I needed silence to cope with the pain. 
The Day Dakota Sky Was Born 
9:00 am: Somewhere around this time the anesthesiologist AKA my hero arrived. I got the relief I needed, an EPIDURAL. Hallelujah, Church Bells, Choir Sings, Doves Fly, All is Right in the World!  I go from feeling like death to, smiling from ear to ear. I was so relaxed, I somehow managed to cat nap. I look like I got ran over by a train, but I'm telling you, I felt GOOOOD!!!!!!
The Day Dakota Sky Was Born
11:30 am I felt a lot of lower pressure. I paged the nurse and told her, "I feel like I need to push." She examined me and confirmed Dakota was ready, but we had to wait for the doctor. We waited and waited.

12:15 pm: My doctor showed up. She had to prep a few things, but before I knew it, I was pushing. I don't know exactly how many times I pushed, but it was only a few.

12:29 pm: Dakota Sky was born.
The Day Dakota Sky Was Born

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