Tuesday, May 08, 2012

"Muffins with Mommy Day"

This morning, I woke up on my own with zero assistance from an alarm clock. It was so nice to have an easy going morning and not have to rush off to work. I had a late start because today, was muffins with mommy day at Cheyenne's school.
Muffins with Mommy Day at School
This was the first time all semester for me to take her to school. I felt like that mom --- "the working mom" that misses out on stuff like dropping her child off at school and the mom who could only stay for 20 minutes because I had to get to work.

Well, Cheyenne was excited to show me around. "Momma, I play on that playground and that's my friend Jackson and I sleep right there during nap time." She was full of energy and excitement.

Her teacher gave us four mini-muffins to share and Chey ate all of them. I told her I didn't want any and she said, Dakota needs them!Muffins with Mommy Day at School
When it was time for me to leave, she gave me the death grip to the neck, kind of like in the photo. "Momma, don't leave me!" I didn't want to, but I had to. She didn't shed any tears, but she made it clear, she wanted me to stay.
Muffins with Mommy Day at School
This was us last year at her school. It was the same thing -- Muffins with Mommy Day.
Muffins with Mommy Day
I had some one on one time with Cheyenne this morning and last night Trey did too. He took her out to get a snow cone. She likes the Barbie one, I'm assuming because it's pink.
Snow Cone Season

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