Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Looking for a Ballet Camp for My Dancer

Summer is creeping up on me and that has me thinking about Summer Camps for Cheyenne. I would love to put her in a ballet camp and Trey is on board with the idea too. That's kind of important....

I've been looking at one specific week long program with a reputable ballet company. Dakota will be a few weeks old, when/if Chey participates. Goodness, lugging around two kids postpartum is going to be interesting. I'm waiting to see if there are any slots available at this camp, if there are, I'm going to sign her up. Now, if they would only return my call....Stop dancing and answer the phone!

Cheyenne has been participating all semester in a ballet class with her best friend Brianna. They've been going every week. Cheyenne loves it! In a few weeks, she will have her end of the year recital. I am looking forward to it, probably more than she is. I'm warning you now, I will take a million pictures at the recital and probably video AND then I'll post them on the blog just because I can. :)
Monkey See. Monkey Do.

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