Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Date Night & Paleo Bread Solution

Yesterday, Trey and I did something spontaneous. We went on a date. He took me to see Mission Impossible. I say it was spontaneous because it seems like if we plan a date, we usually have a babysitter booked in advance, this time we didn't. We were fortunate our friends were available to watch Cheyenne for us, on such short notice. Have you seen MI? I went into the movie knowing it was over 2 hours long. For my bladder, 2 hours is way too long of a movie. However, I was surprised, the movie was so good that the time flew by and I didn't pee myself. Win.
I love me some b-r-e-a-d, but if I get carried away, which I usually do, it can leave me feeling puffy. I found the perfect paleo (grain-less) bread solution. It's the same recipe I used for the the pizza crust that I made a few days ago. I made a batch of this flat bread and I plan on freezing it. Paleo Sandwich with Apple Slices
Mmmm, it has a hint of honey and Italian herbs.
Paleo Bread
Today, Cheyenne starts ballet classes.
Running Front:
I read a great article in Runners World about running during pregnancy. Here are some highlights.

"It is important to focus more on getting in the run by effort (feel) than to go by your watch."
That's been my approach, here recently. It was so nice to see it in writing. I've found that I actually enjoy running more, when I'm not competing with my former non-pregnant self. 

"Although some women run hard while pregnant, I still believe this is not the time to push to that level, because your body is already working hard to create life." 
Okay, now I'm just hearing is take it easy, take it easy. I'll take it because that's what I need right now. The author is right, creating life is tiring. Scaling back the intensity is key

"The idea is to re-frame your goals toward running regularly and consistently rather than linearly like a marathon training plan (when you increase mileage). This may look like running 4 or 5 days per week for 40 to 60 minutes. It could also include some longer runs. All of these should be done at an easy to moderate effort where you can just hear your breath, but you're not reaching for air." 
I'd imagine as I get further along in the pregnancy, I will be able to run for 40 minutes, but instead of covering 4 miles in that time frame, I may only be able to cover 3.25 miles. Same amount of time, but shorter distance.

Here is the full article.

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