So, Cheyenne and I are going on our third day at home, that's right no school tomorrow too. I'm surprised I'm not going crazy. Cabin fever? Not here. Not yet. I've managed to stay occupied by reading, playing with Chey, watching Disney movies, cooking, and baking. Oh and running has kept me sane. So glad to have a treadmill and P90X.
Did you guys hear about the rolling electric blackouts? Here is a message the city emailed me from Oncor:
Rolling Blackout Info from Oncor
Don’t panic. (FYI: When someone tells me not to panic, that's the first thing I want to do)That’s the first thing. Because of record power demand in record cold weather, Oncor is using rolling blackouts to balance electric load with power generation capacity. Most of the planned power outages last for 5-15 minutes.
There was more info, but that was the general message. Trey wants to tell Oncor he will be submitting rolling payment plans over the course of several months. What do you think about that Oncor? Well, this morning we were hit with the first blackout and then again mid-morning. Yeah, I was running on the treadmill, two miles strong, when the electricity went out and the treadmill came to a screeching halt. I waited for a few minutes, but soon realized it could be up to an hour or two before the electricity would power back on, so I decided to break out my P90X book. I started doing AbRipperX. Soon the power came back on. I plugged in my laptop and finished up the P90X mp4. Note to self: I really need to sync that to my phone. I eventually got back on the treadmill and every minute I feared the power would go out again, lucky for me it didn't.
Cheyenne doing a core workout

On the agenda tomorrow:
1. Breakfast/Spinach Egg Wrap with Coffee - Then making Trey a separate breakfast
2. Running 4 - 5 miles
3. Reading: I started reading Jack Kerouac's Lonesome Traveler. I started this book while I was in college. I wasn't ready for it then, but so far it has my attention. By the way, I love his writing style.
4. Lunch maybe some tuna
5. Play with Cheyenne/Read her some books/Put her down for a nap
6. Do something that will numb my mind. Surf the internet/watch TV.
7. Make Dinner - Cheesy chicken quesadillas with beans.
8. Watch a movie with Trey.
1. Breakfast - eggs and a banana
2. Watch Dora
3. Come up to me while I'm on the treadmill and say she needs
A. To Potty
B. Needs more milk
C. Wants cheese
D. Wants to watch more Dora
4. Lunch - She will ask for chicken but mean ham.
5. Play/Nap/Wake up crying asking for daddy
6. Dinner
7 Ignore me and favor Trey all night
1. Work (BOOOOOO) He seems jealous that I've had the last two days off and again tomorrow. It's not my fault! Haha!
This was the day after Declan was born! We got stuck in the hospital....guess its not too bad of a place to be!