Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ouch! That Hurts! & Running with the Baby

This morning Cheyenne had her 2 month doctors appointment, which means shots. When the nurse poked her it took Cheyenne a few seconds to process what had just happened and for a moment I thought she was fine, but before I knew it, her face turned bright red and she let out a loud cry. Poor thing.

Sometimes, the vaccines can cause a low grade fever. She didn't have a fever, but Leah said she was fussy, so she gave her some baby Tylenol. Maybe her legs were sore, where she was poked. Now that she's home she seems to be fine.

Trey went with me to the appointment. I'm glad he had a chance to meet the pediatrician because I really like him. I had several questions for him. One of them was about Cheyenne having gas. He said peanuts can sometimes cause bad gas and what do you know. I eat peanuts every day. I love them. He suggested going 3 days without them and see if I notice a difference. If that is the problem, I think I'm going to switch to walnuts.

My second question was: How old does Cheyenne have to be before she can ride in a baby jogger? I was thinking he would say at least 6 months, but to my surprise he said it was safe as soon as today. I was very happy to hear that. Trey's parents want to get us one, so I think this weekend I'm going to start looking for one. I realize it's January, but if we continue to have warm weather like we did today, maybe we'll be running together as soon as this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Dom,

    A warm bath and gentle massage to the injection site should alleviate any soreness that she has from her shots. Hope all is well. How did Trey's appt go? Did he get released to go back to work?

