Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013: A New Year. New Goals.

2012 was a big year for us. Dakota was THE best thing to happen to our family...
Dakota & Cheyenne

Dakota in a high chair
Another highlight was our family vacation to San Antonio. Originally, we wanted to take this trip before Dakota was born, but things don't always go according to plan. Nonetheless, it was a fun family vacation, party of four. Another highlight was Trey's promotion. I'm really proud of him. He's has an amazing work ethic and he inspires me to do more with my career (more on that, in a moment). 
San Antonio Weekend Getaway
Financial Goals
Last year the idea was to save for a gym/game room addition for our house. Well, we had savings set aside, but then we paid for Trey's truck in cash. Merry Christmas, happy birthday, happy anniversary to him! And I suppose to me too, since I also bought a car. Here's to 2013 because I really really really want a home gym. At the moment, we have savings set aside, but we have a long ways to go. Hopefully by the end of the year or early 2014, we'll be pouring concrete for the room. I'm really being hopeful...

Career Goals: 
2013 will be about getting serious about my small business. It's time for me to stop treating my freelance work, like it's a hobby. I'm terrified about expanding, but last year I had some amazing opportunities and clients keep coming back, year after year...so yes, it's the year to make this small business official. Soon, I'll open a separate bank account, to keep finances in order. If you are a small business owner, let's go out to lunch (my treat) and talk -- I need all the advice in the world. 

Running Goals:
Last year, I ran Cowtown, when I was about 6 months pregnant.
Trying to stay warm at the start line
And a few weeks ago, I ran Dallas Half Marathon, 6 months postpartum.
2013 Races: 
1. Cowtown Half Marathon 13.1 miles (Feb)
2. Rockledge Rumble Trail Race 50K/ 31 miles (Nov)

Those are the two main races on my calendar. I'm not big on racing a lot of races. I like to pick a few and focus on them. I might run a few 5K's and 10K's, but the ones listed above are my main races.

Why Rocklege Rumble?
Originally, I wanted to run Palo Duro (Amarillo) for the second time, but I'm not sure I want to travel that far with Dakota. So, I did some research and found Rocklege Rumble. It's a local trail race in Grapevine aka North Shore. I will run the 50K, which is a little over 31 miles. I've ran the trail once, with EnduraLAB. I'd say the trail is semi-technical. I recall stumbling three or four times.
Northshore Trail Running
Dakota's birthday is in June and that's when I will transition her to cows milk. When that happens, I can be away from her from longer periods of time and I can start running longer than 2 hours at a time. If I wanted to, I'm sure I can do it now -- but it's not convenient. I'm estimating that in one day, it takes me 3 hours total to feed Dakota. I cherish that time with her, but at the same time it will be a relief when she transitions to solid food and cows milk. All the momma's out there know exactly what I'm talking about. Fall 2013, will be all about Ultra Running. I can't wait!!!! I've missed it. 

Eating Right
What's a new year without talking about healthy eating?
As much as I want to get all serious about getting my postpartum figure back, my primary job is to eat enough to keep myself healthy and Dakota happy. With that being said, I need to eat more vegetables. That's my eating healthy goal for 2013. Vegetables. Vegetables. Vegetables.


Stick to a daily devotional/mediation time. If I have time to run, I have time to pray.

Here are a few of Trey's Goals: 
Start Running
Run a 5k in November (Turkey Trot)
Eat Healthy

Do you have any resolutions??? I'd love to hear about them! 

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