Sunday, August 26, 2012

Broken Clavicle

Cheyenne's Make-Shift SlingLast night, at 2 am, Cheyenne fell off of her toddler size bed. She was hysterical. At first, I thought she was in shock, but the more time passed, the more I realized, she wasn't in shock, she wasn't exaggerating the pain, and something terrible was wrong. We gave her several doses of pain reliever, but she still wouldn't move her right arm/shoulder. She refused to let Trey or I touch her arm. If we would reach to touch it, she'd beg us not to. "No, momma/daddy, noooooooo!"

I talked to the on-call pedi nurse and she said to take her to ER and in the meantime, ice the area and use a scarf to make a homemade sling.

Cheyenne's Make-Shift Sling
After a few x-rays, it was determined she broke her clavicle bone, also known as the collarbone.
She'll have to wear a sling for 4-6 weeks. The only time she doesn't have to wear it, is when she's sleeping and bathing.
We are thankful it was only a broken clavicle and nothing more. Something tells me, this won't slow her down, one bit.
In case you are wondering what Dakota's thinks about all of this, she slept through the entire 2 am screaming fest, Chey had. While Chey and Trey were at the hospital, bonnet baby and I went to church. After church, she had a diaper blowout. I was all like, SAVE THE CUTE OUTFIT! I stripped that girl in no time.
Bonnet BAby

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