Monday, May 14, 2012

Pregnancy Progress at 37 Weeks & Chey's First Mani

Today, I'm 37 weeks pregnant. Most of the time I don't feel like I'm that far along. I'm big -- but I feel like I should be HUGE at this point. There is the possibility of carrying this baby full term, all the way to 40 weeks, so I have time to grow or I should say, she does.

I'll tell you more about the pregnancy but first I wanted to show you what we did today. Cheyenne had her first manicure.
Cheyenne and Brianna Getting Their Nails Done
We had some great girl time with Erin and Brianna. We met them for lunch at Fuzzy's Taco Shop and then we took the girls to get their nails done. We were hoping to get our nails done too, but there wasn't enough time.
Cheyenne and Brianna Getting Their Nails Done
Chey and Brianna both did great and were well behaved.
Guess what color nail polish they chose? Pink! Right now, Chey loves anything and everything PINK. She's such a girly girl.
Cheyenne and Brianna Getting Their Nails Done
OK, switching gears again --- Back on the pregnancy subject...

Pregnancy Progress: 
This morning, I met with my doctor. I have started to dilate, a whopping 1 cm dilate and 50 percent effaced. Nothing to brag about, but the process has started. My doctor said, "I'm going to guess you will deliver 3 - 10 days early." That's a massive range of days, but she thinks I will go into labor before June 8th. I think I will go full term. Who wants to start a baby due date pool?

Tasha is graduating soon, I would like to make it to her graduation, but the idea of traveling out of town -- so close to the due date frightens me. I guess, next Monday my doctor will see how things look down there and I'll see what she thinks about me traveling and making a day trip to Abilene.

Next Monday, my doctor said she will give me the option to schedule an induction. She's not saying I will be induced next Monday, but she said I can pick a day and time if I wanted to. I already know that I want things to happen naturally, this time, so there will be no elective induction. I really want that SURPRISE, of OMG I'm in labor!

How Will I Know It's Real?
Saturday, I was on my feet all morning and afternoon working. When I finally got home, I started having contractions. I honestly thought I was going into labor. Every time I had a contraction I would hold my stomach and have to stop doing whatever it was that I was doing. I even started writing down the time and duration of the contractions to keep track of them. By the time I got to that point, they started to decrease and eventually went away. If I keep having these Braxton Hicks Contractions how will I know when I'm going into real labor? I want my water to break, when it's time, so there will be no doubt because the last thing I want to do is go to the hospital, just to be sent home because I'm not in active labor.

By the way, I constantly think I'm in labor. These contractions happen so frequent...the thought of labor is ALWAYS on my mind.

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