Saturday, May 19, 2012

All Signed Up & Sanding & Painting Furniture

Well, we did it, we signed Cheyenne up for a summer ballet program at Texas Ballet Theatre. It's a week long program that will be in July. I'm so excited for her!!!!! Out of all the programs I researched, I feel like this is the best one for her. It's a 5 day program for 3 hours each day. Each day, she'll learn ballet, drama, do crafts, have story time and eat a snack. At the end of the week, there will be a recital.

I don't want her to get jealous of Dakota since Dakota will be getting so much attention. I mean, naturally, the baby will be glued to me, I'm sure, so I think this program will not only give Chey something fun to do, this summer, but it will be her time to shine.

This Tuesday is a big day for my ballerina, she has a very first ballet recital, so today we went out and bought a new outfit for her to wear to the program. 
New Ballet Outfit for Cheyenne's Recital
I couldn't get her to be still, she kept dancing! Oh, and she insisted on wearing the outfit out of the store. I didn't mind at all. Next to the store is a ballet company and there was a class full of ballerinas warming-up. Chey was dressed in her new outfit peering through the window, she was mesmerized. That image of her, was priceless. 

Oh, yeah and this happened today....
Since we only have 20 more days until my due date, we figured we better start getting things done. 
We took a used toddler bed, sanded it and painted it the color Cheyenne wanted. Guess what color she requested?
Thanks Trey for making all those trips to the store, since you kept running out of spray paint cans. So far, he's only had to go on one service call. It's shaping up to be a good weekend.
More on the progress of the room later, in another post.

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