Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 1 of enduraFIT Challenge

I thought I'd give you an update on how my 10 week challenge is going. This is an update on the diet challenge. At this time, I won't cover the exercise or rest/recovery portion. This is week 1 and slowly, but surely the Zone diet, is starting make more sense to me. I'm following the Zone, but still sticking with the Paleo Food Groups, meaning I'm avoiding dairy, legumes, and grains. Meat, Veggies, Fruit, Oil, and nuts are my food friends. I'll probably add oatmeal, sparingly, to my breakfast menu in a few days?/weeks?, but I want to give this a good try, before doing that. I'm not trying to be a Paleo or Zone poster child, so don't expect perfection. This weekend we have friends and family in town and I will not be strict, when eating out. Did someone say nachos?
Here is an example of what a typical eating day looks like for me. IT's SO MUCH FOOD!

Breakfast at 5:30 am:
3 Eggs, 4 Slices of Bacon, 3 Cups of Broccoli, 1/3 of a banana, and 3 almonds (not pictured). So ,all this food is considered a 4 block zone diet meal, at least I think it is. I'm trying to wrap my mind around how this whole zone thing works, but give or take, this is a 4 block meal. I think Trey needs to follow a 5 block Zone Diet, which means more food for him.
  Typical 4 Block Zone Diet
Snack at 9 am: 
Whey Protein Shake (half scoop) with Almond Milk (4-6 oz)

Lunch at 12 pm: 
Salad, measured accordingly
Herb Infused Apple Salad
Snack at 3 pm:
1 oz of meat/protein, half an apple, a few almonds

Dinner at 7 pm: 
6 oz. of Meat, 2 cups of tomato sauce, 1 cup of broccoli with EVOO, half an apple.
Meatballs wit Veggies and Apple Slices
That's a butt-load of food
What I don't like about the Zone is all the measuring I have to do. I have to weigh my meat and measure my veggies and fruit to make sure I have the right amount for my blocks. When I was eating Paleo, I liked it because there was no measuring, but I feel like with the zone, I'm eating more of a balanced meal...with Paleo it was free for all - anything goes. There is definelty more structure following the Zone plan.

So, now that you see what I eat in a typical day, you're probably thinking oh, my goodness that's probably a zillion calories. I know, that's how I felt. I mean I'm eating huge portions and cups and cups of veggies and fruit. Out of curiosity, I've been calculating my caloric intake and considering my workout regimen and I've been either right around my target caloric range or slightly over or under. Interesting.

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