Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Ballerina

My beautful Cheyenne at ballet class. I wish I could make it every time. She couldn't wait to come home and show us what she learned. I love that she's taking ballet. I've been looking into summer ballet programs. When I shared the info with Trey, he was like -- Whoa, slow your roll, let's see how she likes this class first. Hmmm, fair enough.
My Ballerina
Hey, Texas -- Thanks for the widespread rain. No, really. It gave me a good excuse to take the day off from running, yesterday. It was still damp this evening, so I drove to the gym. I remember the good ole days, when all I had to do was crawl out of bed throw on some clothes and running shoes and hit GO on my own treadmill. That was so easy! I don't know how much longer I can go without my own treadmill. I need to come up with a financial plan to buy the expensive treadmill replacement part. It's going to take some creativity on my part, but I'm up for the challenge. Operation Fix Treadmill! I'm sure I could dip into our grocery budget. I mean really, do we have to eat everyday?

Time to get some rest. Lately, I've been so sleepy. I could just rest my head on my desk and pass out any given afternoon. I think that's a sign I should get more sleep. Goodnight.

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