Other items on my Tax Free weekend list (more like wish list) include LULULEMONNNNN.
And yes, I realize it's like a bizillion degrees outside, but I want some long sleeve items. Why? Cause they look so cute. If I got this, it would sit in my closet until December. Okay, maybe I need to consider more of a short sleeve type of tank. Maybe.
This is better, still not 110 degrees attire, but I could rock that on a treadmill or elliptical.
Socks are not on my wish list, they are a mandatory purchase. A few weeks ago, I came down with a bad case of blisters. I need new running socks --- PERIOD. These will do. How much would you pay for running socks? These are listed for $12. I'll buy one pair and wash them everyday, (yeah right). I think the most I've paid for socks was $30. They are compression socks and so worth it!
Here is my most recent Lulu purchase. Y Run tank. I think it will help with my horrendous tan line.

Have you been looking forward to tax free weekend?
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