"Trey, you can't go to work today, the news lady said so!" I don't think that conversation would go over very well.
To reward himself for putting in all those long hours, he used the extra summer cash and splurged on a TV for our bedroom. At first we went to Best Buy to get an idea of what they had, but in the end we went with a TV from Sam's Club.
Do you have a TV in the bedroom? I bought a TV when I was in high school and we were using it in the bedroom, but it died a few months ago. I don't miss it, but Trey wants a TV, so during football season he won't have to watch a late game in the living room and end up falling asleep on the recliner. When we get it set-up, I'll take some pictures.

The new TV is Netflix ready, NEAT. Speaking of Netflix, I'm not happy they are raising prices. I plan on downgrading to streaming only and visiting RED Box, several times a month. By the way, I've never even used RED Box, but they will soon get my business thanks to netflix.

I consider myself a tech savy gal, so last night I tried setting the TV Network preferences. After spending about 15 minutes trying to get my wireless router and new TV to communicate, I gave up. So, I'm going to see if Trey can figure it out, if not, we'll have to call the customer support line.

While we were shopping, Trey got a slice of pizza and dangled it in my face. JERK. It smelt like heaven. I passed on the pizza, but that didn't stop me from fantasizing about it. Today, I'm going on day 4 and I'm feeling okay. I'm eating mountains of veggies and meat. So far, I've been able to tame my cravings. WHO AM I? I am cavewoman hear me roar!
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