Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cowtown Blend by Aduro Bean

A lot of my friends and family members drink coffee. We love it. We drink it everyday. We'd go crazy without it. Even if you are like my mother-in-law who only drinks decaf, you still have to have it. 

Well, this past weekend Cheyenne and I stopped by the farmers market and I bought this irresistible coffee made by  Aduro Bean. Look them up. Did I mention a bag is $10.50 a lb? Is it just me or 
does that sound expensive? To compare....the coffee I normally buy 
costs $5 dollars (12 oz) and I think its pretty good. I think its so 
good, I've been consistently drinking it for more than five years.
However, Aduro Bean is home grown Fort Worth, fair trade, and 
organic. I can't resist. Plus, my compost pile is going to love these 
coffee grounds. Drink it up. Gulp. Gulp.
If you come over, I'll brew you some, but after the first cup I'm 
going to have to charge you. No, I would never do that.

1 comment:

  1. I may have to come by...and I would have been willing to pay :) j/k
