Friday, January 30, 2009

Pizza Night Friday! What!

Trey and I have started picking up pizza on Friday nights. This will be our second week to do it and as cheesy as it sounds, it gives me something to look forward to, after a long work week. This week doesn’t really count, but I still want my Pizza.

During the week, I don’t usually eat out or pick up fast food. One, because I’m frugal, when it comes to eating out (just ask Trey, we’ve been known to have some heated conversation about it) and two, because I like to “brown bag it.” It’s easier to make healthy eating decisions when I pack my lunch. If I pack a sandwich with carrots and apples I’m going to eat it because it’s there in front of me.

So, tonight I plan on eating my pizza pie and then tomorrow I will run it off during the 5K race. As much as I love running, I’m not looking forward to the cold temperature that awaits me tomorrow morning. I bet it will be 30 something and there will be crazy runners out there in little tank tops and iddy bitty shorts. I guess anyone out there in those temps has to be a little crazy, but then again that’s running for you.

I’m not sure what we will do with Cheyenne. We might take her and bundle her up like a mummy, Trey could stay home with her or we might ask someone in our area to watch her. Anyone want to watch my little one first thing in the morning? Hmmm…I should’ve put this post up a long time ago if I was going to ask that question.

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