Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Now Accepting Belly Rubs!

I'm about to embark on my 6th month of pregnancy and my belly has really shot out.

My stomach feels so strange and it's really hard and tight. I mean super tight. I don't know if my skin can continue to expand at this rate. I'll have to get my 6 month snapshot uploaded by the end of the week so you can see the transformation for yourself.

Being in this new body is strange and surreal. Yesterday, I walked by the mirror and saw my profile and had to do a double take. For the most part, I'm adapting nicely to this new version of me and Trey has been extremely supportive. Last night, he told me he likes watching my stomach get bigger and said I look cute pregnant. What a wonderful husband.

So far, I've been sleeping through the night, it's just challenging getting up. I've started this new thing, to where I rock myself out of bed. Every time I do it, I think of the nursery rhyme humpty dumpty.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Its Ashleigh, from work ;) Now every time I see you, I am going to think of Humpty Dumpty...your too cute!
