Monday, July 21, 2008

The Cost of a Child

One thing Trey and I learned from taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, is to always have an emergency fund set aside---for unexpected cost. With that being said, Friday I noticed I had a flat tire on the Element and you guessed it, it was time for not one, but four brand new wheels. Tires, especially good ones don’t come cheap and I hate the idea of making payments. So, Saturday we made the transfer from savings to checking and I had to remind myself that’s what this money is for: an unexpected cost.

Money has new meaning when you become a parent or in my case a parent to be. I’m such a planner and organization freak, so last week Trey and I sat down and tried putting a budget together once Cheyenne makes her debut. I just about had a heart attack, after crunching the numbers. A young mother of two made me feel better when she told me, “You’ll make yourself crazy if you try to put the cost of a child on paper.” She’s right! So, I’m taking a new approach of just relaxing and going with it. I’m not naïve or oblivious, I just know it’ll be fine. My mom did it with three of us, Trey’s parents did it with three of them, my older sister is currently doing it and it’s all good.

The cost of childcare is what really got me going on a financial frenzy. But I'm feeling better about the whole thing, especially after I had a chance to talk to several women who have childcare backgrounds and certification about possibly watching Cheyenne when I need to return back to work. I'm trying to keep my options open through this whole process so that means weighing all options. I've visited a few traditional daycares: one close to work and then another one close to home.

I would prefer first a nanny ($$$$$), second an in home daycare (especially since I know the two perspective caregivers), and lastly traditional daycare, but only time and our budget will tell.

It'll work out, it always does.

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