Friday, January 25, 2008

Filtered Water

It didn't freeze like everyone thought, so I'm at work breaking for lunch.

Yeah, about lunch...
I always brown bag it. Okay, not always but for every two weeks, maybe I'll eat out once.

Another thing I always do is carry a neon green water bottle, so I can stay hydrated throughout the day. On my way out this morning, I forgot it. I don't have any cash to buy bottled water, so I'm having to drink tap. Tap wouldn't be so bad, but thanks to Trey he's got me hooked on filter H20. I've been drinking filtered water consistently for 4 years. I'll drink the tap because I need it, but it doesn't mean I'll like it.

When I get home the first thing I'm going to reach for is a nice tall glass of filtered water and also figure out what Trey and I are doing this weekend. This weekend Trey turns 25. I thought we were celebrating his birthday here, but this morning he said something about going to Abilene. Hmmm

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