Saturday, June 09, 2012

40 Weeks Pregnancy Snapshot

It's one day past my due date....AND ladies and gentlemen, I'm still pregnant, with no signs of going into labor anytime soon.
40 Weeks Pregnancy Snapshot
The only benefit, if any, is all the extra sleep I'm getting. However, I'm doing my part to try to help mother nature speed things along. Today, I walked 5 miles, which is equivalent to a half marathon, in pregnancy world. If I could, I would run a half marathon -- right now. Earlier, I went to the mall, cleaned the house, and did several loads of laundry. As of now, I'm really thinking this baby will wait it out and I will be induced on Friday, the 15th.

I've been sleeping so good, even I'm shocked. My body must know what's coming up, sleepless nights and all and it's giving me a break --- for now.

Comfort Level
I'm comfortable while I sleep, but getting around day to day, especially getting in and out of the car is a pain, literally. Sometimes just standing up, I can get dizzy or winded.

Lately, every meal I eat, I feel like it's my last meal before I'm about to go into labor, so I usually eat big. Perhaps, I should stop doing that....
As far as cravings, I'm still craving warm cookies. Chocolate Chip!

Nice angle Trey....
This shirt, is actually a dress, but since my belly is so big, it looks like a mini-dress. That explains why I'm wearing pants.
40 Weeks Pregnancy Snapshot

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