I took Serena's maternity portraits in September. Congratulations, Gabe and Serena! Parenthood is amazing. The first few months are exhausting, but trust me you will adjust. Just when you think you can't take it anymore, your baby will do the cutest thing and melt your heart.

My next friend due to have a baby is LINDA. I'm excited for her and Steve. I think she is 38 weeks. So, really any day now, she could go into labor. My turn will be this summer. I guess I still have plenty of time.
I totally ripped this picture off of Facebook. :)
In my pregnancy world, it looks like I will be retiring my EXPRESS shirts. I'm only 10 weeks and I'm retiring shirts...Can you believe it? You don't even want to know how long I've been wearing maternity pants. It's true what "they" say, you really do start showing a lot sooner on the second one.

Thanks for the blog love Dom! And your bump looks cute already! If I see you anytime soon, I will lone you some of my maternity shirts. I know that you have some from when Cheyenne was in your tummy, but who doesn't like options!