Friday, April 02, 2010

Need a Good Laugh & Nike+ Sportband Update

Run to Joe's Photos are posted. Here is the link to view my race photos. I look tired and awkward. Typical.

Adam's race photos turned out nice. I guess he saw the photo crew and smiled at them, every single time... I was too tunnel vision to notice.
An update on the Nike+ Sportband
Since, my last post things are pretty much the same. I'm receiving accurate results when I run on the treadmill and (this is new) --> When I change the speed and incline on the mill, the results are still holding to be true. (Big Sigh) This is a good thing. I didn't waste money. Yay!

But wait...
When I run OUTSIDE it underestimates my mileage, not much, but enough for me to notice and be mildly annoyed. But remember, I did calibrate the band to the treadmill because when I originally tried to calibrate it to outdoor running it thought I was an olympic runner. No. That's not me.

Here is an example of what the band is doing (now) when I run outside:
When I ran the 5K (3.1 miles) the data showed I only ran 2.81 miles. I guess, I can live with that and just tag on .20

Still, if I had to have it one way or the other, I would rather the band underestimate my runs. After all, it's not like I'm running 10 miles and it's only giving me credit for 5. One feature the device has is sharing data on Twitter and Facebook. I originally had my runs feed to Facebook, but then I decided to unlink it because friends would make comments on my runs (in person and online) saying that I was crazy for running so early and so much. That got old and I didn't like being judged, so now I only send my run updates to Twitter.

So, would I recommend the Nike+ Sportband? I'm not sure. Give me some more time with this and we'll see. I have several friends who are interested in this because the price point is tempting compared to other devices on the market. Friends, save your money for now and I'll test drive it and let you know how it goes. To be continued....

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