When I went to Lowe's, I met an older woman who was also purchasing seed. She's been gardening for years and I kept asking her questions. "So, what do you think about this vegetable and how does this grow in this region and what about strawberries?" She finally said gardening is fun, just plant it and see what happens. Easy for her to say, but she's right. This is where we planted the garden.

I had so much fun with Trey prepping the garden. The key word is prepping. Once it came time to lay the seed I got really frustrated. I have no idea what I'm doing. Here's to trying new things and here's to gardening...Oh and look my garden will be partially shaded in the evening. I meant to do that. ;)

Cheyenne also got into it. I think she likes gardening a little too much because at one point she was eating the dirt.

Last year, Trey built me a compost bin for my birthday and this year he helped me build a garden. Thanks Trey. Also note, his lovely cowtown half marathon finisher shirt.

After months of composting, I finally get to use it. Yay for organic gardening!

As of now, this is what I have:
1. Squash - I hear this grows well and its idiot proof. I will test this theory. I actually planted this outside of the garden bed. It's right under the window sill, where Cheyenne is standing in the picture above.
2. Onions - Nothing to say. Crossing my fingers.
3. Cilantro - I've had great success growing cilantro indoors.
4. Jalapenos - Not sure about this, but I hear they are easy to grow in Texas.
5. Strawberries - I'm pretty sure I botched it. I had no idea what I was doing with it, but wouldn't it be nice to have some fresh fruit from my very own garden.
6. Basil - I threw this seed in a large potting bowl.
7. Sage - Also planted this in a large potting bowl.
8. Tomatoes - two different types, vine and tomatillos.
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