Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm still trying to get a feel for this Nike+ Sportband. This morning I went on my normal treadmill run.

Actual Results
Distance: 4 miles
Duration: 38:49
Avg Pace: 9:42

Nike+ Results
Distance: 4.91 miles (WAY OFF)
Duration: 38:49 (the same)
Avg Pace: 7:54

After talking it out with Trey, he thinks the main reason is the shoe-key-holder. When I place the sensor in the holder, it's loose. So, the sensor is shifting and moving around causing inaccurate results. That sounds right. Trey suggested we retro-fit my shoes. He took my old brooks and cut a pocket for the sensor to slip in the inside sole.
Here is an example of what a Nike+ Shoe looks like.
After all that trouble, I went for a one mile run and the results were fairly accurate. The average pace per mile was still off, but I can always plug those numbers in and find out the correct pace. My next step, go on a 4 mile run Thursday. If that works I'll take the next step and retro-fit my Saucony's. I'll keep you posted.

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