A four hour car ride can wear a baby down. Here is Cheyenne during our Oklahoma road trip.
On the way to Stillwater, she watched the same episode of Baby Einstein at least two times. She can probaly hum every Beethoven Symphony on the disc. Since the trip, I put two more videos on my phone for her to enjoy. And yesterday, she discovered Sesame Street. She was listening to the classic song Rubber Ducky and all she wanted to do was stare and tap her hand to the beat. I don't remember growing up watching Sesame Street, but I like it for her. Anything that can sneak in teaching is always good. Her birthday is coming up soon! I'm looking forward to it and I'm thinking about getting her more books. Maybe some interactive ones.
Here is another video of her. Maybe she was a little upset because Trey had it on ESPN radio the entire trip!
Mike says he can't blame Chey for getting so upset...ESPN radio is terrible (in his opinion) :)