Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10 Month Growth Chart

Cheyenne is 10 months and growing like a weed.
10 Month Chart
Wiggle Worm

She's growing like a weed and so is her hair. While I'm on the topic of hair, I'm getting really tired of straightening my hair. Really tired. So tired, I think I'm going to start embracing my natural hair. It's easy. It's convenient and on most days it's not so bad.

A while back, I went several weeks, maybe a month -- wearing my natural hair and then once I decided to go back to straight I looked really weird to me. Even Trey thought so. I'm on day two rocking the loose curls and right now "this" looks weird to me, but who knows, in a week or two this will be the norm.

It's funny because every other person who knows me says they didn't even know my hair looks like this.

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