Chip Time 1:03:31 - Under 1:05
Overall Place 1387 / 3259
Gender Place 541 / 1358
Division Place 104 / 179
Total Pace 10:15/M ---I don't run with a digital watch, so I had no idea I was pacing at that time. A nice surprise.
About a mile from the start line, we got stuck in traffic, so I had to get out of the car and run to it. I heard there was a record amount of participants: 17,000 this year! There were over 3,000 runners in the 10K, but there was also the Ultra, Marathon, Half, 5K Adults, and 5K kids.
Since, I had to run to the start line, the race went from 6 miles to 7. I just had to think of it as a pre-race warm up.
Once I got near the start line, I was packed like a sardine with the MARATHONERS. What?! My 10K training wouldn't get me very far running with those guys. After the marathoners started, I had to wait until they cleared out and then I ran down the block to the 10K start line. I started 3 minutes late, but since everyone had to wear a chip, it didn't matter. I also didn't have much time to stretch, so the running I did prior, really helped me out.
As you see, Trey managed to stay warm with his Cowboys fleece. He said he learned the hard way last year, when he freezed his but off. I also learned the hard way. Last year, I ran in shorts in freezing weather, this year I wised up and added layers. The smartest thing I wore; gloves. They were a lifesaver!
Now that the 10K is over, I'm looking forward to participating in the Half Marathon with Linda (2010). Since, traffic was so bad, next year Trey and I are seriously considering staying in a hotel downtown, so all we'll have to do is step out of our hotel room and not have to deal with traffic.
It was some-kinda-cold on Saturday. I prayed for you while I was all warm and cozy in my bed. Maybe next year I can conquer the 10k. Did Cheyenne stay home with your mom?