Friday, February 29, 2008

The Neighborhood and a Nice Weekend

At this very moment Corky is on my lap wanting all of my attention. I will try to blog through this. Oh, and Trey is asking me to bake some chocolate chip cookies. I really don't want to bake right now. Maybe later as my niece, Angelica, likes to say.

Earlier, Trey rolled out the motorcyle and we rode around the block...literally around the block. It was a short ride.

While we were out, we knocked on the door of a couple around the corner. The homeowner, Tom, obviously wasn't expecting us, but he was so nice. He even invited us inside. We introduced ourselves and chatted in his cozy home and compared our electric bills.

Speaking of neighbors, this evening Trey and I started to eat on the front porch, when we saw our soon to be neighbors-the ones across the street. They stopped by to check the progress of their home, which by the way is going up faster than I can run a mile. We stood outside and chatted for at least half an hour. I'm really looking forward to them being our neighbors because they seem like a really fun couple.

Well, we don't have any big plans for this weekend. My plan for tomorrow is to get up early to go running, shower and clean house. I really want to use this weekend to relax. I might get out of the house to do a little bit of shopping, but I want to have an uneventful break. Everyone needs a weekend like that and this is well overdue.

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