Here is the nursing video I was talking about.

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ready For Crown Molding
This nursery project started with a bang and lately there has been little to no progress.

Yesterday, Trey managed to reframe the window (again) and add small chair rail along the outside. Another new item is the shoe molding. I think the shoe molding gives it that finished look along the baseboards.

Now, he just needs to add a few more touches, mainly the crown molding and we'll be ready for paint. I want to get an estimate to see what it will cost for a professional to do it because the last time I painted, I realized it was a lot harder to cut in, especially with the textured wall.
I want to paint the walls green, but Trey suggested a dark green for the bottom chair rail and then a lighter green on the top. Supposedly, this two tone paint scheme, is common with chair rail.
So, that's where the nursery is and hopefully it'll be done in 3 weeks.
Yesterday, Trey managed to reframe the window (again) and add small chair rail along the outside. Another new item is the shoe molding. I think the shoe molding gives it that finished look along the baseboards.
Now, he just needs to add a few more touches, mainly the crown molding and we'll be ready for paint. I want to get an estimate to see what it will cost for a professional to do it because the last time I painted, I realized it was a lot harder to cut in, especially with the textured wall.
I want to paint the walls green, but Trey suggested a dark green for the bottom chair rail and then a lighter green on the top. Supposedly, this two tone paint scheme, is common with chair rail.
So, that's where the nursery is and hopefully it'll be done in 3 weeks.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
YouTube Production
I had two nursing students who asked me to help them produce a YouTube video about nursing school.

I love working in a nursing department, especially since I'm pregnant. During production the students wouldn't let me lift any lights or move any big pieces of furniture and I appreciated that because that morning I wasn't feeling good. It was the easiest production set, I've ever worked on. All I did was videotape. The video isn't anything spectacular, just two kids acting really goofy. I didn't spend too much time editing it together, since it isn't anything that I will post to my professional blog or add to my portfolio. All in all, it was just a good time.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll upload the finished video to this blog. It's really cheesy, so I don't know if I want any of you to see it. Its that silly.

I love working in a nursing department, especially since I'm pregnant. During production the students wouldn't let me lift any lights or move any big pieces of furniture and I appreciated that because that morning I wasn't feeling good. It was the easiest production set, I've ever worked on. All I did was videotape. The video isn't anything spectacular, just two kids acting really goofy. I didn't spend too much time editing it together, since it isn't anything that I will post to my professional blog or add to my portfolio. All in all, it was just a good time.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll upload the finished video to this blog. It's really cheesy, so I don't know if I want any of you to see it. Its that silly.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Playing the Bass Guitar Again
It's been almost a year and a half since I last played bass guitar in a band. Well, a few weeks ago, I mentioned to Dave, the worship leader, (at our new church) that Trey and I both play instruments and we wouldn't mind substituting.
At first, I was hesitant to tell him because I didn't want any of the current band members to feel like I was trying to replace them. But I know from my own experience, that I appreciate it when other musicians would rotate with me from week to week. It gave me a chance to take a breather and worship from the other side of the pulpit.
I guess I didn't step on any toes, because we've been asked to play with the band this coming Sunday. So, last night we went over to Dave's house for dinner, as well as practice. Dave's wife made dinner and we really talked more than we practiced. They are a young couple like us and have a one year old daughter.
Anyways, I'm familiar with most of the songs and feel pretty good about playing Sunday. I do have to admit, I feel a little self conscious with a bass guitar and belly. It's awkward enough playing a masculine instrument and then there's this ball in my stomach region that appears to be getting bigger by the day.
More on my belly--- during practice, Cheyenne kept moving while I played the bass. I guess it was because I was sitting down and pressing the backside of it, against my stomach. She also started swimming when Trey played Dave Matthew's. Sometimes, when Trey's playing guitar around the house I like to put my stomach as close as I can to it, just to see if she'll respond.
At first, I was hesitant to tell him because I didn't want any of the current band members to feel like I was trying to replace them. But I know from my own experience, that I appreciate it when other musicians would rotate with me from week to week. It gave me a chance to take a breather and worship from the other side of the pulpit.
I guess I didn't step on any toes, because we've been asked to play with the band this coming Sunday. So, last night we went over to Dave's house for dinner, as well as practice. Dave's wife made dinner and we really talked more than we practiced. They are a young couple like us and have a one year old daughter.
Anyways, I'm familiar with most of the songs and feel pretty good about playing Sunday. I do have to admit, I feel a little self conscious with a bass guitar and belly. It's awkward enough playing a masculine instrument and then there's this ball in my stomach region that appears to be getting bigger by the day.
More on my belly--- during practice, Cheyenne kept moving while I played the bass. I guess it was because I was sitting down and pressing the backside of it, against my stomach. She also started swimming when Trey played Dave Matthew's. Sometimes, when Trey's playing guitar around the house I like to put my stomach as close as I can to it, just to see if she'll respond.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Spending the Day at Home
I gave Harley a haircut and Corky a trim. I did such a good job that when Trey got home from work he asked, "How much did that cost me?"

You wouldn't believe how fast their hair grows. It's hard work grooming them, especially Harley, but I appreciate the savings.
Other than grooming my pets, I've been a prisoner in my home. I had to wait for the plumber and security system guy to come over. And of course they never tell you a definite time. So, I was stuck here all morning and afternoon. Luckily, I didn't have anywhere to go or any thing to do outside the house.
Earlier, I wanted to ride the scooter to the library, but I've made the decision to give the scooter a break, until after Cheyenne is born. I came to that decision after I told Trey, people who ride and don't wear helmets are stupid and then I thought wait... a minute I'm 5 months pregnant and I'm riding...maybe that's stupid too.
Last Night:
I was laying in bed rubbing lotion on my belly and I started yelling at Trey, "Get over here she's kicking." I've felt her kick and move a lot, but I've been wanting him to experience it. He told me to make her stop because he had just jumped in the shower. Like I can command her kicks. After he got out he layed his hand on me and not only could he feel Cheyenne kick, he could see his hand move! It was amazing!
You wouldn't believe how fast their hair grows. It's hard work grooming them, especially Harley, but I appreciate the savings.
Other than grooming my pets, I've been a prisoner in my home. I had to wait for the plumber and security system guy to come over. And of course they never tell you a definite time. So, I was stuck here all morning and afternoon. Luckily, I didn't have anywhere to go or any thing to do outside the house.
Earlier, I wanted to ride the scooter to the library, but I've made the decision to give the scooter a break, until after Cheyenne is born. I came to that decision after I told Trey, people who ride and don't wear helmets are stupid and then I thought wait... a minute I'm 5 months pregnant and I'm riding...maybe that's stupid too.
Last Night:
I was laying in bed rubbing lotion on my belly and I started yelling at Trey, "Get over here she's kicking." I've felt her kick and move a lot, but I've been wanting him to experience it. He told me to make her stop because he had just jumped in the shower. Like I can command her kicks. After he got out he layed his hand on me and not only could he feel Cheyenne kick, he could see his hand move! It was amazing!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Cheesy Broccoli Potato Soup
Here is a healthy alternative, compared to the traditional high sodium version.
I had this for dinner and it's honestly the best broccoli potato soup I've ever eaten. There's a lot of left overs, so I plan on freezing the excess and taking it to work next week. 
4tbsp Butter
1 c Chopped Onion
1/2 c Flour
4 c Low Sodium Chicken Broth
4 c Fat Free Milk
16oz Frozen chopped Broccoli
3 c Raw Peeled & Diced Potatoes
1 1/2 c Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
Melt butter in lg saucepan over med heat. Add onion and cook until tender. Add flour, stir until blended. Gradually stir in broth. heat until slightly thicken. Add milk, broccoli, potatoes, and Worcestershire sauce.
Cook over low heat about 15 minutes or until broccoli and potatoes are tender. Stir in seasoning and cheese.
4tbsp Butter
1 c Chopped Onion
1/2 c Flour
4 c Low Sodium Chicken Broth
4 c Fat Free Milk
16oz Frozen chopped Broccoli
3 c Raw Peeled & Diced Potatoes
1 1/2 c Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
Melt butter in lg saucepan over med heat. Add onion and cook until tender. Add flour, stir until blended. Gradually stir in broth. heat until slightly thicken. Add milk, broccoli, potatoes, and Worcestershire sauce.
Cook over low heat about 15 minutes or until broccoli and potatoes are tender. Stir in seasoning and cheese.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Yesterday, I went to Vacation Bible School and watched the 5 year olds. I think their parents gave them sugar water because they were so hyper! To make things worse my hormones were all over the place.
I came home later than normal and sat on Trey and just cried. I'm blaming my crying on the pregnancy because generally, I'm positive about everything. Someone can say, "This day is going horrible" and I'll say, "don't worry, it'll get better."
Trey was really supportive and let me vent about everything. And today....everything is back to normal. I feel like myself again.
I came home later than normal and sat on Trey and just cried. I'm blaming my crying on the pregnancy because generally, I'm positive about everything. Someone can say, "This day is going horrible" and I'll say, "don't worry, it'll get better."
Trey was really supportive and let me vent about everything. And today....everything is back to normal. I feel like myself again.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Don't Recall My Craving
First, I'm told I can't eat tomatoes now it's jalapenos.

These FDA food recalls are getting out of hand for this pregnant woman. I wonder if it's still safe to eat the peppers if I bake them? I know when the FDA recalled the tomatoes, just a few weeks ago, they were telling consumers it was okay to eat them as long as they were cooked.
In other news, (not relating to pregnancy or food) it looks like I will be busy with church this week. Sunday, Trey mentioned he'd be interested in helping with Vacation Bible School and somehow I find myself signed up as a volunteer for the next few nights. How did that happen? I could've said no, but I figured why not. The only plans I have are making dinner, working out, and watching the tube. And that was my short list of the important stuff.
So, like I was saying, this whole VBS thing was Trey's idea and it looks like he won't even be able to join me, due to work. Maybe he'll get off tomorrow at a reasonable time.

These FDA food recalls are getting out of hand for this pregnant woman. I wonder if it's still safe to eat the peppers if I bake them? I know when the FDA recalled the tomatoes, just a few weeks ago, they were telling consumers it was okay to eat them as long as they were cooked.
In other news, (not relating to pregnancy or food) it looks like I will be busy with church this week. Sunday, Trey mentioned he'd be interested in helping with Vacation Bible School and somehow I find myself signed up as a volunteer for the next few nights. How did that happen? I could've said no, but I figured why not. The only plans I have are making dinner, working out, and watching the tube. And that was my short list of the important stuff.
So, like I was saying, this whole VBS thing was Trey's idea and it looks like he won't even be able to join me, due to work. Maybe he'll get off tomorrow at a reasonable time.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Cost of a Child
One thing Trey and I learned from taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, is to always have an emergency fund set aside---for unexpected cost. With that being said, Friday I noticed I had a flat tire on the Element and you guessed it, it was time for not one, but four brand new wheels. Tires, especially good ones don’t come cheap and I hate the idea of making payments. So, Saturday we made the transfer from savings to checking and I had to remind myself that’s what this money is for: an unexpected cost.
Money has new meaning when you become a parent or in my case a parent to be. I’m such a planner and organization freak, so last week Trey and I sat down and tried putting a budget together once Cheyenne makes her debut. I just about had a heart attack, after crunching the numbers. A young mother of two made me feel better when she told me, “You’ll make yourself crazy if you try to put the cost of a child on paper.” She’s right! So, I’m taking a new approach of just relaxing and going with it. I’m not naïve or oblivious, I just know it’ll be fine. My mom did it with three of us, Trey’s parents did it with three of them, my older sister is currently doing it and it’s all good.
The cost of childcare is what really got me going on a financial frenzy. But I'm feeling better about the whole thing, especially after I had a chance to talk to several women who have childcare backgrounds and certification about possibly watching Cheyenne when I need to return back to work. I'm trying to keep my options open through this whole process so that means weighing all options. I've visited a few traditional daycares: one close to work and then another one close to home.
I would prefer first a nanny ($$$$$), second an in home daycare (especially since I know the two perspective caregivers), and lastly traditional daycare, but only time and our budget will tell.
It'll work out, it always does.
Money has new meaning when you become a parent or in my case a parent to be. I’m such a planner and organization freak, so last week Trey and I sat down and tried putting a budget together once Cheyenne makes her debut. I just about had a heart attack, after crunching the numbers. A young mother of two made me feel better when she told me, “You’ll make yourself crazy if you try to put the cost of a child on paper.” She’s right! So, I’m taking a new approach of just relaxing and going with it. I’m not naïve or oblivious, I just know it’ll be fine. My mom did it with three of us, Trey’s parents did it with three of them, my older sister is currently doing it and it’s all good.
The cost of childcare is what really got me going on a financial frenzy. But I'm feeling better about the whole thing, especially after I had a chance to talk to several women who have childcare backgrounds and certification about possibly watching Cheyenne when I need to return back to work. I'm trying to keep my options open through this whole process so that means weighing all options. I've visited a few traditional daycares: one close to work and then another one close to home.
I would prefer first a nanny ($$$$$), second an in home daycare (especially since I know the two perspective caregivers), and lastly traditional daycare, but only time and our budget will tell.
It'll work out, it always does.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Family Cowtown Visit & Friends
The Mexicans posing with the Mexican. And look, I'm getting bigger by the day.
2 Happy Boy Scouts
Tyler: in a happy place
An old fashioned shootout
After the stockyards, we made it back to the house. We ordered pizza and later Trey and Luis washed the car while Pam and I played card games on the front porch. It was great having them visit. Before they left town, this morning, we we went out to eat at Waffle House and then said our goodbyes.
After they left, Trey and I went to church. Speaking of church, things are going great there. Like I mentioned last week, we're starting to make more friends in our community as well as church. A lot of the couples that attend, live so close to us. After church, we went out to eat with a huge group and a few hours ago, I went to the dog park with a new friend, who literally lives down the street. I also meet up with Cortnee.
Well, it's been a wonderful and exhausting weekend. I'm going to sleep so good tonight.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Motor Vehicles
I got a flat tire Thursday evening. I woke up Friday morning, and looked at my car and noticed a semi flat tire.
Friday, I had a lot of errands to run, so I went all over this side of Ft. Worth on my scooter. My speedometer clocked at 25 miles at the end of the day.
Mid-morning I made my way to the Yamaha dealership and had them inspect my bike. While I was waiting, I chatted with the salesman about the high demand of motorcycles, due to gas prices. He said they sold out of the Vino model a long time ago and they don't have any 250cc motorcycles in stock....period.

Speaking of 250's, Trey is selling his Virago bike. I don't think he'll have any problems getting rid of it. We posted his bike online Thursday evening and 3 hours later we got a response from a prospective buyer. He was serious about the bike, so serious he wanted to meet us that night to take a look at it. Since then, we've had several phone calls and emails. We'll see how it goes.
Well, that's all for now. I have family coming in to town right now.
Friday, I had a lot of errands to run, so I went all over this side of Ft. Worth on my scooter. My speedometer clocked at 25 miles at the end of the day.
Mid-morning I made my way to the Yamaha dealership and had them inspect my bike. While I was waiting, I chatted with the salesman about the high demand of motorcycles, due to gas prices. He said they sold out of the Vino model a long time ago and they don't have any 250cc motorcycles in stock....period.

Speaking of 250's, Trey is selling his Virago bike. I don't think he'll have any problems getting rid of it. We posted his bike online Thursday evening and 3 hours later we got a response from a prospective buyer. He was serious about the bike, so serious he wanted to meet us that night to take a look at it. Since then, we've had several phone calls and emails. We'll see how it goes.
Well, that's all for now. I have family coming in to town right now.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Back of My Closet
It seems like the last couple of weeks, my normal size pants are getting tighter and tighter. Now I have a place in my closet I refer to as: the dark corner. The dark corner is where I hang some of my favorite pants that don't fit anymore :(
Goodbye little clothes. I'll see you in a few months.
Oh, the crazy things that happen to a womans body during pregnancy. Only 20 more weeks of this and I get to meet Cheyenne. It'll all be worth it!
Goodbye little clothes. I'll see you in a few months.
Oh, the crazy things that happen to a womans body during pregnancy. Only 20 more weeks of this and I get to meet Cheyenne. It'll all be worth it!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Progress in the Nursery
The latest update is the crown molding on top, as well as the exterior framing on the shelf.
Chair Rail and thick baseboards
Crown Molding still needs to be installed here
Custom framing
The doors and window will be cased in a craftsman style case
Besides working on the nursery, we went to church Sunday. After church we went to eat with the pastor and his family, as well as another couple. Although we've been living in Ft. Worth for over a year, Trey and I are barely starting to develop friendship relationships in our community. That means a lot to me since we don't have our immediate family in the same town.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Guitar Shopping & Cross Training
Friday night Johnny and JoNell paid us a visit. They stayed at our house and we went out for ice cream that night. We went to Braum's Trey's latest favorite place. It was good to finally have them over.
Saturday we spent the day at several guitar shops. Trey wasn't shopping for a guitar, no he already has three, he better not be shopping for a new one. Johnny was looking for an acoustic and found this one at Guitar Center.

While the guys were browsing at Guitar Center, JoNell and I walked the same shopping strip and found a used exercise equipment store. I'm always looking for a deal and I found this Ironman elliptical on sale for $149 --- normally retailed for $499!
"The Runner" with an elliptical, I know. Trey even questioned me just to make sure I wouldn't have buyers remorse. Originally, I wanted a treadmill (and still do), but I can't find one at the right price and quality. The last thing I want to do is purchase a cheap poorly designed treadmill that will only become an eye sore.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with this elliptical purchase. I have not been this excited about fitness, since I started running. And since Saturday, I've used it twice. It's really the perfect size for home use. It has a built in computer that monitors time, speed, calories, distance, heart rate, pulse, etc. It even has about 10 preset programs as well as manual drive.
My mom is a big fan of the elliptical and now when she comes over I know she'll jump right on. Trey even said he'll give it a try.
I'm still committed to running, but this is a wonderful form of cross training, especially now that I'm pregnant. But this coming week I will try very very hard to pull myself away from the new toy and enjoy outdoor running......
While the guys were browsing at Guitar Center, JoNell and I walked the same shopping strip and found a used exercise equipment store. I'm always looking for a deal and I found this Ironman elliptical on sale for $149 --- normally retailed for $499!
"The Runner" with an elliptical, I know. Trey even questioned me just to make sure I wouldn't have buyers remorse. Originally, I wanted a treadmill (and still do), but I can't find one at the right price and quality. The last thing I want to do is purchase a cheap poorly designed treadmill that will only become an eye sore.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with this elliptical purchase. I have not been this excited about fitness, since I started running. And since Saturday, I've used it twice. It's really the perfect size for home use. It has a built in computer that monitors time, speed, calories, distance, heart rate, pulse, etc. It even has about 10 preset programs as well as manual drive.
My mom is a big fan of the elliptical and now when she comes over I know she'll jump right on. Trey even said he'll give it a try.
I'm still committed to running, but this is a wonderful form of cross training, especially now that I'm pregnant. But this coming week I will try very very hard to pull myself away from the new toy and enjoy outdoor running......
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Snapshot at 5 Months
Hello little belly.
I'm so thankful for elastic waistbands now that I'm starting to show----more.
And I can't believe I'm 5 months/20 weeks into pregnancy. Only 20 more weeks to go.
From Pregnancy |
I'm so thankful for elastic waistbands now that I'm starting to show----more.
And I can't believe I'm 5 months/20 weeks into pregnancy. Only 20 more weeks to go.
Friday, July 11, 2008
3D Sonagram of Cheyenne
Look at that adorable nose. Too cute! And is that red or brown hair?
This morning Trey and I went to my doctors visit. Everything is running smoothly. I've gained 3 more pounds since the last visit and I'm sleeping better now that I surround myself with pillows. This morning I had another charlie horse, but this time I knew what to do. I immediately pointed my toes upward and the pain vanished. Nice. I mentioned this to my doc and he said I need to consume more calcium. Fair enough.
Well, here are some 3D photos, as well as some normal sonagram pictures.
I'm going to enjoy the day off, by relaxing at the house. Poor Trey wishes he had Friday's off too, but we both know that that will never happen. I kind of feel guilty, for having Friday's off when he has to go back to work. Maybe, we can meet up for lunch. That would be nice, but I don't think it'll happen.

This morning Trey and I went to my doctors visit. Everything is running smoothly. I've gained 3 more pounds since the last visit and I'm sleeping better now that I surround myself with pillows. This morning I had another charlie horse, but this time I knew what to do. I immediately pointed my toes upward and the pain vanished. Nice. I mentioned this to my doc and he said I need to consume more calcium. Fair enough.
Well, here are some 3D photos, as well as some normal sonagram pictures.
I'm going to enjoy the day off, by relaxing at the house. Poor Trey wishes he had Friday's off too, but we both know that that will never happen. I kind of feel guilty, for having Friday's off when he has to go back to work. Maybe, we can meet up for lunch. That would be nice, but I don't think it'll happen.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Running Use to be Easy
Yesterday, I went for a 2 mile run. It was beautiful. There was a bit of percipitation and a cool breeze. Before I started, I thought to myself--- this is perfect!.
Well, less than a mile into it, I started to feel discomfort in my legs, particularly my knees. I've heard of other pregnant women who run and some start to feel the same discomfort around this time. I continued to run an extra mile, but by the time I was done I was DONE!
Immediately afterwards, I drank lots of water and had a carb full dinner (whole wheat spaghetti). Which is always good after any run. I started to feel better, but early this morning, I woke at 2 am and had the worst... I mean worst quadricep spasm in my calf (AKA Charlie Horse).
I've never had a sports injury, so I'm thinking this is strictly pregnancy related. I've talked to several women about it and they say it's a common thing during pregnancy. About the discomfort in my legs, I'm thinking it's just my body reacting to the extra weight it has to carry.
Well, less than a mile into it, I started to feel discomfort in my legs, particularly my knees. I've heard of other pregnant women who run and some start to feel the same discomfort around this time. I continued to run an extra mile, but by the time I was done I was DONE!
Immediately afterwards, I drank lots of water and had a carb full dinner (whole wheat spaghetti). Which is always good after any run. I started to feel better, but early this morning, I woke at 2 am and had the worst... I mean worst quadricep spasm in my calf (AKA Charlie Horse).
I've never had a sports injury, so I'm thinking this is strictly pregnancy related. I've talked to several women about it and they say it's a common thing during pregnancy. About the discomfort in my legs, I'm thinking it's just my body reacting to the extra weight it has to carry.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Cheyenne has a Middle Name
Cheyenne Sierra Anderson
The reason why Trey wants to name her Sierra is almost too embarrassing to mention.
A few years ago Trey was restoring a 1969 Cheyenne Chevy truck. One day he jokingly said if we ever have a girl we should name her Cheyenne. I had never heard that name before, so it stuck with me. When people ask, "You're naming your daughter after a truck?" I usually say no because I wasn't trying to do a tribute to a truck, I just liked the way it sounds.....but now it will be hard to say that since her middle name is Sierra, named after the GMC model. Thanks Trey.
Honestly, I like the name, but I'm not too fond of the association. The average person won't notice unless someone mentions it.
On another note, here are some patterns I selected this past weekend. Mom's making Cheyenne a custom crib set and here are a few patterns that stood out.
This has been scanned, but the true color tone is more of a washed out sage.

Using Pink as a primary nursery color, is not my first choice, so it will be used sparingly.

Here is another toile pattern in pink.

Other color choices I would like to incorporate are yellow and possibly black. I know, BLACK!
Nothing is set in stone.
The reason why Trey wants to name her Sierra is almost too embarrassing to mention.
Honestly, I like the name, but I'm not too fond of the association. The average person won't notice unless someone mentions it.
On another note, here are some patterns I selected this past weekend. Mom's making Cheyenne a custom crib set and here are a few patterns that stood out.
This has been scanned, but the true color tone is more of a washed out sage.

Using Pink as a primary nursery color, is not my first choice, so it will be used sparingly.

Here is another toile pattern in pink.

Other color choices I would like to incorporate are yellow and possibly black. I know, BLACK!
Nothing is set in stone.
Monday, July 07, 2008
4th of July Weekend
For the 4th of July weekend, Trey and I went to Abilene.

Saturday morning, I met up with Linda and Steve at ACU and ran 2 miles. We invited Trey, but he declined.
It was nice to run with an old running partner. She kept asking, "Are you doing okay? Do we need to slow down?" And I would reply, "I'm doing fine." We talked the whole time which is a good sign of a safe pace. Her background is in nutrition and exercise and she encouraged me to continue to work out and stay healthy. She said as I get bigger, people may give me crazy looks, but it's just because they don't realize that running can be safe during pregnancy. So far, I haven't received any nasty stares.
After the run, I spent time with my two mom's and Natasha. They helped me complete my baby registry list. When it came to registering for bottles, I desperately needed direction and they were very helpful.
Later that evening we went to Nick and Allison's Wedding. I saw a lot of people I went to high school with, which was both nice and weird.
Natasha and I at the reception

Mom and I

LInda and Steve

After the reception, we all wanted to go out, but we're not the bar or clubbing type, so we thought we'd go to a coffee bar. Well, after driving to three different closed coffee shops, we gave up and ended up at Sonic. That's abilene for you.
Here are the rest of the photos from this weekend
I know this is a long post, but I'm almost done.... A lot of stuff happened.
So, we got back into town yesterday evening and our neighbors, Wendy and Theron invited us over for dinner. I'm so glad too, because we didn't have anything at the house. After dinner there was leftovers, which means I can eat lunch today. Yay, for leftover dinners. They grilled steaks and we stayed over past midnight. Even though it was late, we didn't have to worry about driving home, we just had to walk across the street and call it a night. I'm so thankful for wonderful neighbors.
Wow, that was a long post and I didn't even cover the entire weekend.
Saturday morning, I met up with Linda and Steve at ACU and ran 2 miles. We invited Trey, but he declined.
It was nice to run with an old running partner. She kept asking, "Are you doing okay? Do we need to slow down?" And I would reply, "I'm doing fine." We talked the whole time which is a good sign of a safe pace. Her background is in nutrition and exercise and she encouraged me to continue to work out and stay healthy. She said as I get bigger, people may give me crazy looks, but it's just because they don't realize that running can be safe during pregnancy. So far, I haven't received any nasty stares.
After the run, I spent time with my two mom's and Natasha. They helped me complete my baby registry list. When it came to registering for bottles, I desperately needed direction and they were very helpful.
Later that evening we went to Nick and Allison's Wedding. I saw a lot of people I went to high school with, which was both nice and weird.
Natasha and I at the reception
Mom and I
LInda and Steve
After the reception, we all wanted to go out, but we're not the bar or clubbing type, so we thought we'd go to a coffee bar. Well, after driving to three different closed coffee shops, we gave up and ended up at Sonic. That's abilene for you.
Here are the rest of the photos from this weekend
I know this is a long post, but I'm almost done.... A lot of stuff happened.
So, we got back into town yesterday evening and our neighbors, Wendy and Theron invited us over for dinner. I'm so glad too, because we didn't have anything at the house. After dinner there was leftovers, which means I can eat lunch today. Yay, for leftover dinners. They grilled steaks and we stayed over past midnight. Even though it was late, we didn't have to worry about driving home, we just had to walk across the street and call it a night. I'm so thankful for wonderful neighbors.
Wow, that was a long post and I didn't even cover the entire weekend.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Cheyenne_______ Anderson
Before Trey and I knew the sex, we made a deal: I would get the first name if it was a girl and he would get the first name if it was a boy; and vice versa with the middle name.
Now I just have to figure out how I want to spell it. I think I'll stick with this spelling---Cheyenne.
Here are some other options:
Shyanne- now that I see this typed out, I think I really like this spelling combo too
Trey is still working on the middle name. He's been thinking of middle names starting with T's, but hasn't come up with anything good. He wants her to have the same initials as him. CTA.
I love calling her by name.
Cheyenne's in the beginning stages of moving. I'm starting to feel little thumps and harder flutters. She seems to be more active around 10 pm or 30 minutes after I exercise.
I'm still running and it feels great. The other night I ran 2.5 miles and walked 1 mile. I'm still going slow in order to keep my heart rate under the 160 mark. Some days, I just want to take off fast, but I have to remind myself that my body belongs to someone else right now. Once I put it in perspective, it makes it much easier to run like a slug.
Now I just have to figure out how I want to spell it. I think I'll stick with this spelling---Cheyenne.
Here are some other options:
Shyanne- now that I see this typed out, I think I really like this spelling combo too
Trey is still working on the middle name. He's been thinking of middle names starting with T's, but hasn't come up with anything good. He wants her to have the same initials as him. CTA.
I love calling her by name.
Cheyenne's in the beginning stages of moving. I'm starting to feel little thumps and harder flutters. She seems to be more active around 10 pm or 30 minutes after I exercise.
I'm still running and it feels great. The other night I ran 2.5 miles and walked 1 mile. I'm still going slow in order to keep my heart rate under the 160 mark. Some days, I just want to take off fast, but I have to remind myself that my body belongs to someone else right now. Once I put it in perspective, it makes it much easier to run like a slug.
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