You wouldn't believe how fast their hair grows. It's hard work grooming them, especially Harley, but I appreciate the savings.
Other than grooming my pets, I've been a prisoner in my home. I had to wait for the plumber and security system guy to come over. And of course they never tell you a definite time. So, I was stuck here all morning and afternoon. Luckily, I didn't have anywhere to go or any thing to do outside the house.
Earlier, I wanted to ride the scooter to the library, but I've made the decision to give the scooter a break, until after Cheyenne is born. I came to that decision after I told Trey, people who ride and don't wear helmets are stupid and then I thought wait... a minute I'm 5 months pregnant and I'm riding...maybe that's stupid too.
Last Night:
I was laying in bed rubbing lotion on my belly and I started yelling at Trey, "Get over here she's kicking." I've felt her kick and move a lot, but I've been wanting him to experience it. He told me to make her stop because he had just jumped in the shower. Like I can command her kicks. After he got out he layed his hand on me and not only could he feel Cheyenne kick, he could see his hand move! It was amazing!
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