These FDA food recalls are getting out of hand for this pregnant woman. I wonder if it's still safe to eat the peppers if I bake them? I know when the FDA recalled the tomatoes, just a few weeks ago, they were telling consumers it was okay to eat them as long as they were cooked.
In other news, (not relating to pregnancy or food) it looks like I will be busy with church this week. Sunday, Trey mentioned he'd be interested in helping with Vacation Bible School and somehow I find myself signed up as a volunteer for the next few nights. How did that happen? I could've said no, but I figured why not. The only plans I have are making dinner, working out, and watching the tube. And that was my short list of the important stuff.
So, like I was saying, this whole VBS thing was Trey's idea and it looks like he won't even be able to join me, due to work. Maybe he'll get off tomorrow at a reasonable time.
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