Distance: Ultra Marathon 13.1 miles Half Marathon
Duration: 2:00:26
Average Pace Per Mile: 9:12
Gender Place: 565 out of 3428
Overall Place: 1924 out of 6571 Half Marathon Runners
Friday morning, it started to snow and within hours the roads were icy. Saturday, the ice didn't melt…so, Cowtown 5 and 10K races were cancelled. All day Saturday, I was anxiously waiting to hear if the marathon races were going to be canceled like the 5K and 10K events. Well, around Saturday evening, they announced the cancellation of the marathon and ultra…BUT the half was still on! It was going to be delayed by an hour start time, but the half was going to happen. Anyone signed up for the marathon or ultra could run the half. As you know, I've been training for the ultra. This would've been my fifth ultra finish.
Saturday evening, the city of Ft. Worth had sand trucks out pouring sand on the race course. Workers and volunteers worked through the night and through the morning - preparing the streets for the race.
Saturday, the roads were slick and I didn't want to take my chances driving to the expo. I decided not to get my packet and I decided to wait until race morning. I arrived at the expo at 6 am. It was pretty empty! I had to remind myself that it was 2 hours before race start, but still! Were people going to show up????
Around 7:30 am I noticed a crowd. It wasn't nearly as packed as previous years, but there were runners there ready to make the most of race day.
Running conditions were wonderful (considering the circumstances), but I was cautious and I know I held back on speed because I was afraid of slipping. I know I could've ran faster and harder, but I didn't and that's ok. For me this race was "I've been at home for 2 days iced in…I need to run race." It was not a PR go all out and prove something race. Also, I had been training for a few months, I was ready to race, even if it wasn't the distance I had initially signed up for…I was ready.
2 hours of running went by so fast!
I took the above photo around 11 am, as I was walking back to my car. Spectating conditions were terrible. I don't blame anyone for not spectating this year and I don't blame anyone for not wanting to run.
I was hoping to run 31 miles on Sunday and instead I ran 13. Honestly, I'm grateful everything worked out, even though I couldn't run the 50K. It would've been easier for race officials to cancel all racing events this weekend, but they didn't. I'm thankful, I ran. I'm thankful, I did not get injured. I'm thankful I made it safety to and from the expo. I love my city, I love the Ft. Worth running community and I love Cowtown.