Trey slept in this morning, so I snuck out of the house and went to the gym. I rode 16 miles on the stationary bike. I really wanted to ride 28 miles, but I have a life, so I figured 16 was good enough.
This is Not An Episode of Hoarders, This is my Home
Mid-morning my coffee-date-friend, Krista, came over to help me organize the nursery. She is a super nerd, when it comes to organizing and she's proud of it. I mean look at her, smiling as she's looking at the mess in front of her. Ha! Freak!
She came up with a great system of organizing clothes in grocery bags, tying them and then tagging each bag with whatever the clothes size is, that way you can grab a certain size, without having to swim through piles. I'll have to take pictures of it because it's a great system and worth sharing for all the mommy readers out there.
It took us about 2 and half hours to complete the task. We were working with all of Cheyenne's old clothes. Newborn to present day clothes, 5T. Next week, Krista and I are going to tackle all of the new items Dakota got. They need a home.
And this is what the room looked like when we were done organizing. You should see the closet, it looks so neat! Now, I'm trying to find more things for Krista to organize. ORGANIZE MY LIFE, PLEASE.
My afternoon, was sooooo busy. I watched the neighbors son because they had a family emergency. I was so busy, taking care of him and cleaning, that by the time Trey came home I was exhausted. My body was and still is so achy. I walk funny and not pregnant lady funny, old woman funny.
I didn't want to cook and Trey wanted to take me out, so, I used one of my gazillion birthday coupons at Ihop.
Afterwards, we swung by Marble Slab Creamery and I gave this birthday freebie to Cheyenne -- well, we kind of shared. Now, I'm the cool parent!!!! Take that Trey!
Since we were food hopping, we stopped by Sonic and I got a slush birthday freebie.
Obviously, I was not worried about my calorie consumption today and this is why:
Thanks Jeri, for running for me! Best Birthday Gift!
Now, I'm going to cuddle up in bed and guilt-trip Trey into giving me a back massage. I mean, C'MON it's my freakin' birthday, he has to, right? Wish me luck!