Netflix and Hulu-Plus both cost the same per month, $8.65. That sure does beat a $98 satellite bill! Hulu is free if you want to watch from a laptop, but I like the option of watching it on my TV or phone, so to me it's worth the pennies. There are some other bonuses to having a Hulu-Plus account, but to me that's the main one. There is one thing that surprised me, some of the shows you can only watch on a laptop and not on a TV or phone. They call them web based shows. BOOO! The Chew is one of those shows. But for the most part, the main Network Evening shows are not Web based only.
It seems like Hulu has replaced my DVR.
Cheyenne gets the most use out of Netflix-Kids. They have a nice selection of cartoons. Right now, she's on a my little pony kick.
When we want to watch new Movie Releases, Trey and I will go to a REDBOX station, which is only $1.62. There are several kiosk machines, less than a mile from home, so it's really convenient. We probably REDBOX it about 4 times a month.
This week, I haven't been walking at work. I decided to listen to my body and take it easy. Trey would be so proud of me. Tomorrow, I may be feeling less achy, so I may walk then.
Do you want to hear something bizarre?
Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant. It happens when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I'm already out of it because it's like 2 am, but by the time I walk to the restroom, I'll have a moment of -- OMG! I'm 8 months pregnant! Late night feedings and a messed up sleeping schedule is going to suck the life out of me.
And then I'm like whatever, Pee and Sleep <------MY IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES.
I have a Prima Donna on my hands
Lately, Cheyenne likes to put her hands on her hips when she talks and the other morning she demanded to wear a dress. Oh, I love wardrobe fights at 6 am. Ummm, no thanks. We comprised on this outfit (see picture). Now, I make sure she picks out her clothes the night before, so I can remind her (when she's screaming and she doesn't want to wear it at and it's 6:05 am)...."Remember you picked this outfit out yourself?" My strategy worked this morning.
I don't mind if she wears skirts or dresses, but not on school days. Her school prefers that the girls not wear them without shorts, which makes sense, since they are so active playing. If it's a school day and she insists on wearing a dress, I might have to start making her wear shorts underneath. Everyone wins!
Last night, we had a precious moment together. She was getting ready for bedtime and she said OK, cuddle time! She crawled into my lap, like she was a baby and we sat there holding each other for several minutes.
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