Friday night, Trey took Cheyenne on a church hosted daddy daughter date night. Cheyenne kept calling it a royal castle date. I think they had a small castle at the church or something.

The Children's Minster sent out a few tips to the Dad's...
Ideas to make your Daddy daughter date even more special:
1. Treat this as you would a “real” date, help your daughter have high expectations for how men are supposed to treat women.
2. Ask your daughter to the Date Night
3. Tell her that you are looking forward to your date.
4. Get ready separately and go outside and ring the doorbell when it’s time to go.
5. Buy a flower or a corsage for your daughter and present it to her when you “pick her up”
6. Have a friend or relative act as a chauffeur, driving you to and from your date.
7. Take pictures as you get ready to go.
8. Open the doors for her.
9. Make her a card that says thank you for going on a date to present to her.

How cute is this picture????

Serena sent me this image. This is the perfect illustration of what it means for a manly-man like Trey, to have a girly-girl daughter like Cheyenne.