They got to the stadium early to watch the pep rally. I think Trey has a video of it, I'll see if I can get it from him and post it, here.
Here's a look back at previous Cotton Bowl Games:
(2011) This was taken outside the house, right before they headed off to the game.
The past two years, she's taken food inside the stadium, but she's getting to the age, where she can't really get away with that.
She has a good memory because she asked us if she could take food to the game - like before. Not this year, baby.
Before the game the guys and Chey went to guitar center. A worker gave Chey a pair of drumsticks.What in the world is she suppose to do with those????
While they were out doing their thing. My niece, Dakota and I had a girls night out. Our first stop was In-N-Out Burger. The fries are so-so, but I'm obsessed with the protein style burger. Have you tried it??? Amazingly good and cheap!
Afterwards, we went to the mall and got Dakota's ears pierced. When she got her first ear pierced, she had a delayed reaction. It took her about 15 seconds before she started to cry. After a a minute or so, she stopped crying and she was back to her normal self.
I got my ears pierced when I was older and it didn't hurt. If you had your ears pierced and you were old enough to remember, I'd be curious to know if you remember it being painful.
She hasn't been pulling on her ears, so to her, everything seems the same.
From girls night/In-N-Out talk and now running talk
Good news, this is the first week I reached -- actually I exceeded the 30 mile mark (for the week), since mid-February. That was the week I ran Cowtown! Here's to starting off the year right. Maybe 30 miles can be the new norm. My body feels good. I don't feel like I'm over doing it. I ran 4 miles this morning and I took my time, since I ran 10 miles, yesterday. I think that's the key - just listening to your body. The next few weeks, I'd like to make 10 miles my standard long run distance, at least for a while - until I'm ready to bump it up. Hmmm, it sounds like a good plan, but will it stick?
Oh, I also managed to do some yoga. It feels good to stretch!
When I don't feel like running, I tell myself:
You can go as slow as you want, just run! What do you guys think about this quote? I like it!
These girls are also my motivation. I want to stay strong and healthy for them. I also want them to see that healthy living is an everyday thing, not a "oh, every blue moon I feel like working out," type of thing. Sure it's about fun, but as unsexy as it sounds, it's also about disciple.
Suck it up, buttercup!
Okay, that's enough fitness talk more sweet pictures of my girls.
Hmmm, that's an awkward photo.
Was searching for my GF's blog and started reading yours. Came to your post asking moms if they remember having their ears was painful.
ReplyDeleteI was three years old and wanted earrings like my friends. All said it hurt and said they cried from the discomfort. I was too scared to have them done. One day, my mom was wearing some pretty pearl earrings and I said, "Mom, I like your earrings...I want earrings too." As we were walking in, my mom said, "'s going to hurt- but only for a minute." I remember it hurting alot as the piercing gun went off seemingly in my ear. My mom was right, it was painful, but seemed to last for hours afterwards.
Fast forward to having my own little girl. When she was born I was uncertain when to do it, partially out of worry what other moms might say if I was "one of those moms" who pierced their baby's ears and not wanting to hurt her in any way. I woke one morning and knew I was going to do as an infant because of my own experience. What changed my mind to finally go ahead? I kept seeing babies and little girls with cute earrings in the crying room at church. I loved how precious they looked with little pearls (like my mom).
Asked our ped and she encouraged me to go ahead. She said when mom could care for them was best and gave me some info on finding the right person, place and best type of earrings to use. I went ahead and she barely cried! I had come full circle and realized doing it as an infant was best!
If any moms are looking for some more research, drop me an e-mail and I'll send you our ped's info.
Thank you so much for the info, I will send them your way. I think it scared her more than anything. Days, later and Dakota is acting normal. I worry about her getting an infection though...