Tuesday, January 08, 2013

First Day at Ballet School

Work it...
Cheyenne & Dakota
So, I just read the student handbook and whoa momma, they are a no-nonsese company, (in a good way). I can appreciate that.

Some people have asked me about pointe ballet. This company does not offer  that class until dancers are around the age 10 -11 years old. The class, miss thing is taking, is all about gaining appreciation for classical ballet, basic ballet movement and techniques, and becoming more familiar with the vocabulary. I think I've mentioned it before, but parents are not allowed to stay and observe. In a few months, they will have an observation class, so I'll make sure to be there for that one! However, no pictures or video.

Cheyenne came home and she was talking all about Pirouette. 
That would be --- A whirl or spin. A complete turn of the body on one foot. Okay. I'm learning stuff too. While I was at the studio, I passed by a class (most of the classrooms have glass windows) and I saw the advanced (I'm assuming they were the professional dancers practicing). They were doing pirouettes.

I think she's going to have a good semester. She's already made friends. She keeps saying I'm going to ballet school, like Angelina Ballerina!

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