My number one priority this week is to archieve all my digital pictures. Another thing I need to do is print them.
The last photography class I took, the instructor said "
around here we don't call it a photo until it's printed...not until you can hold it in your hands." I don't want my pictures to get lost in cyberspace. I try to back them up every few months, but here lately I've been a fierce shutterbug and haven't made it a priority.
Well, other than planning my to do list, I managed to detail the Element. I gave it a good cleaning Sunday and my wonderful husband helped me wash it in the driveway.
What else? This weekend I almost bought a treadmill. I went to a used gym equipment store and found a great treadmill with a low price. When I chatted with the store attendant he told me someone had already purchased it. After watching the Dog Whisperer, I hear that it's a great piece of equipment for dogs to use. Say I have a busy day and don't get a chance to walk Corky, then I can just put him on the machine at a low speed and watch him go. And there is no doubt that I would also use it.
Here lately, I have no need for a treadmill because the weather has been great. Three days straight Corky and have been out jogging. I love it. I had my doubts, when he was a puppy--that he wouldn't be able to keep up, but I am constantly surprised by his energy.