Ever since I completed my first 50K, I've dreamt about running a 50 mile trail race. With five 50Ks under my feet,
1. Cowtown 2011 (Road 5:27)
2. Palo Duro 2011 (Trail 5:49)
3. Rockledge Rumble 2013 (Trail 6:35)
4. Cowtown 2014 (Road 5:28)
5. Cowtown (Virtual) 2015 (Road 5:43)
I feel like it's time to tackle a longer distance. I finally got the courage to register for one. December of this year, I'll be toeing the line of the
Brazos Bend 50 mile Trail Race aka Brazos Bend 100. Bucket list, here I come!

FIFTY FREAKING MILES is crazy. I know. Trust me, I KNOW. Don't ask me what time I think I will complete the distance because I have no idea. I know the course is flat, so that's fantastic! Not that I'm going for speed or anything, I want to finish before it gets dark!
The race is months away, but I'm doing a marathon training schedule during this "I have no races on my calendar" season, in order to keep a healthy fitness level and running base - which should help to ease me into the 50 mile training. I'm using the Nike+ Coach app. I'm on week four. I'm having to adjust my long runs because this training program has them on Fridays, but for the most part, I'm keeping up with my weekly mileage and doing my best to hit those long runs, even if it means delaying them until Sunday.

The Nike+ app doesn't have a training program for anything longer than a marathon. I'm looking for a well rounded 50 mile training program. There are several out there. A lot of them have back to back weekend long runs. I'm booked filming weddings in October, so training that month is going to be interesting. Stay tune! I will be updating the blog often about my long runs, fuel and the highs and lows of training - over the next few months.