Saturday afternoon, Dakota was feeling better, so I took a chance and took her to Texas Ballet Theater's Open House. She was fine. I guess the candy helped.
The festival was inside and after the girls hit all the booths, there was a studio performance. The advanced students and trainees performed several repertoires. The advanced students are quite impressive to watch and make it look easy. I know it's not easy, but they make it look effortless. The girls all sat like good girls and watched the 30 minute performance, I was really proud of them.
Today, Mrs. Amanda invited us to join her and her family to go trunk or treating at Luke's school. This was the first time I had ever been to one. It was fun and not too crowded, but lots of treats for the kiddos.
This was our favorite trunk. Flynn Rider from Tangled.
And here's the gang.
Dakota's face was a little sour because she wanted me to hold her. The princes wants what she wants. Such a diva.
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