I don't know about you, but the weekends don't always mean party time. Most of the time, it means clean house time. I started rewarding Chey with stickers for listening to me. She was eager to vacuum so she could get a sticker and note from me, "that read - good job, Cheyenne!"
This girl has plenty of reasons to smile, yesterday she took her first steps at Mrs. Amanda's house. It wasn't a fluke because she took steps for me too. Amanda didn't want to tell me, that she started walking, but she knew that I was getting concerned. So, she told me. I wasn't bothered at all. I was thrilled! Dakota is still mostly lazy, but the steps are a start. She probably got tired of hearing us talk about it and said, OK. OK. I'll walk a little, just to prove that I can if I want to.
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