Friday, January 11, 2013

A Good Form of Birth Control

What is going on here?
Up to something
Now that Dakota is 7 months old, it's safe to say she's outgrown her newborn through (most of her) 6 months old outfits. It took me a few hours on Monday, but I sorted and organized through the girls clothes. I put them in big plastic tubs and used Krista's storing method. <----- That has a nice ring to it.

FYI: A good form of birth control is having to organize kids clothes. There's just so much!!!

Luckily, my friend showed me an easy and inexpensive way of organizing and storing them. I wrote a blog post about it, a while back. I put a link of that post at the end of this one, if anyone is interested.
Kota Bear
Are you guys enjoying the cold weather??? I am. I love jackets and scarfs. Today, it's a little warm, but hopefully we'll get a cold front soon, so I don't look like an idiot walking around wearing this, when it's 70 degrees and sunny outside.
Tonight, I think I'm craving wine and pizza. Pizza Night, holla!!! That's what the girls and I ate Monday night. Does pizza count as a vegetable? Because if it does, I'm right on track with my goal of eating more veggies.
Pizza n wine kind of night.
Here is the Organizing Baby Clothes Post: 

Bins, Trash Bags, String & a Marker is All You Need

1 comment:

  1. Oh man - I'm about to start sorting & storing a ton of clothes for Mak & Kye...glad to know I'm not the only one who dreads it!! But it is nice to have a plan/system already, at least it helps me get right to work on it instead of sitting there staring at huge piles of clothes wondering where the heck I'm going to start!

    (My old phone punked out in me a few weeks back, so that's why I'm just now catching up on your blog. Better late than never!)
