The main thing I've learned about gardening is that I can easily maintain the herbs. Last week, I bought lemon grass, lavender and replenished my cilantro and rosemary. A few plants are not pictured because I hadn't planted them, yet. The other herbs still remain: oregano, mint, thyme, and basil.
I use the herbs often (pretty much everyday) and usually in a big salad. The least used herb is the mint. We'll see if I use the lavender. I honestly don't think I've ever knowingly had lavender. When I think of it, I think aroma therapy.
I plan on nurturing the garden bed until the winter. Actually, I think a few of them are evergreens, so they should last thru the cold weather. Yesterday, it was 92 degrees, so I'm not worried about any cold fronts happening, anytime soon.
Lately, I've been good about hand watering the area, although last night I didn't. Luckily, it rained. It seems like I can get away with not watering the rosemary for days and it still thrives. Also, it's amazing how quick the plants bounced back, especially after I neglected them for a few weeks this summer.
Since I have room, I might plant a few more things, but I'm not sure what else I should add.
Do you have any suggestions?