I didn't realize how much newborns sleep. Cheyenne usually wakes up while I feed and change her, but other than that she sleeps most of the day and night away.
What's so funny?

Last night, was the first night she had a fit. From 3 am to 6 am, she would wake up every hour and cry for a few minutes. She wasn't colicky, she just wanted to be held or fed or both. After a while, I woke Trey up and said it's your turn, while I get some sleep. He took her and a few minutes later she was sleeping like a baby.
Well, a few days ago, I managed to get out of the house and go for a walk. It was pretty cold that day, so Cheyenne had to stay behind with Trey. Well, today was unusually warm outside, which gave us both an opportunity to get out. So, I bundled Cheyenne up and took her on her first walk in the stroller. I was planning on walking 3 miles, but only managed to walk one, not because I wasn't up to it, but because we stopped and talked to a few people in the neighborhood. By the time I got home, I looked at the clock and realized it took us one hour to walk one mile. That's okay. It was nice to chat with adults and get some fresh air. I'm not use to being home like this and to think it's only been a week, (having Cheyenne home from NICU).
Trey has been weary about us getting out, since Cheyenne had a tough first week, but I think it's safe to start venturing out a little more.