I got this hat for Trey. And that would be Trey's "Anderson" sign.

Sunday, December 30, 2007
Malled Out
Amy and Hilario are here visiting. We spent the day at Traders Village. Afterwards, Amy wanted to hit up the mall. After this week I'm malled out, so I decided to stay behind and watch football with Trey.

I got this hat for Trey. And that would be Trey's "Anderson" sign.
I got this hat for Trey. And that would be Trey's "Anderson" sign.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
2007: The Year that Exceeded My Expectations
It seems like an eternity ago, but at the beginning of 2007 I felt like a loser with a capital L.
My spirits were high, but I was overwhelmed with frustration. I was frustrated with the job market in Abilene. I remember applying for what seemed like “the greatest job ever.” After I got the rejection phone call, I rushed home, stormed through the door and collapsed on the floor. I wallowed in pity for a good hour or two. That day felt like the worst day of my life. Little did I know that rejection was the best thing that could have happen to me.
Trey and I made a bold decision to put our house on the market and move to Fort Worth, so Trey could advance in his career and I could begin mine. Fort Worth felt like a fresh start, a new beginning and opportunities that Abilene couldn’t offer. I’m not trying to bash Abilene. I love the town, it’s just that it was time for something new. With the move at the forefront of my mind, I began interviewing at UTA for a video position. When I got the phone call to accept, I told my boss, “Thank you. You just made my year.”
Months later I can look back on this year and see how far we’ve come. For me, it’s been more than just landing the sweetest job. I’ve learned it’s about being fulfilled in all things: spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and financially. The highlights of this year was definitely the job, the move, the house, the financial debt snowball Trey and I are working on, and the joy of enjoying life.
I haven’t come this far to be disappointed now, so I can only expect great things ahead. I’m ready for 2008!
My spirits were high, but I was overwhelmed with frustration. I was frustrated with the job market in Abilene. I remember applying for what seemed like “the greatest job ever.” After I got the rejection phone call, I rushed home, stormed through the door and collapsed on the floor. I wallowed in pity for a good hour or two. That day felt like the worst day of my life. Little did I know that rejection was the best thing that could have happen to me.
Trey and I made a bold decision to put our house on the market and move to Fort Worth, so Trey could advance in his career and I could begin mine. Fort Worth felt like a fresh start, a new beginning and opportunities that Abilene couldn’t offer. I’m not trying to bash Abilene. I love the town, it’s just that it was time for something new. With the move at the forefront of my mind, I began interviewing at UTA for a video position. When I got the phone call to accept, I told my boss, “Thank you. You just made my year.”
Months later I can look back on this year and see how far we’ve come. For me, it’s been more than just landing the sweetest job. I’ve learned it’s about being fulfilled in all things: spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and financially. The highlights of this year was definitely the job, the move, the house, the financial debt snowball Trey and I are working on, and the joy of enjoying life.
I haven’t come this far to be disappointed now, so I can only expect great things ahead. I’m ready for 2008!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Dallas Cowboys Stadium
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Crazy Water
My favorite bottle is No. 2.
No. 4 taste like salty tap, but contains the most minerals. Trey warned me not to drink more than 8 ounces a day of 4 because it can cause diarrhea, then he dared Natasha to drink the entire bottle for a dollar. She refused.
this has nothing to do with this entry, I just think it's adorable
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I'll Be Home For Christmas
We celebrated Christmas last night, and we're already back home. Trey and I attended two Christmas gatherings, one on the Anderson side and the other on my side.
My older sister Amy had a late party at her place. It started at 9 pm so I knew it was going to be a long night. Trey stayed up pretty late playing video games. I had about 2 adult beverages and went out like a light bulb. It's sad, but true. It was hard to find a good place to sleep at her place b/c there were a lot of people. Some, like Trey, slept on sofas and recliners. I can count my blessings I got a bed, even if it was kiddie size.
All Trey wanted for Christmas
...Cowboys stuff
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Accent Wall in the Office Nook
I painted the laundry room the same color. That room is almost done, Trey just needs to trim in the paint. Then after that, I'm making my way to the bedroom to paint it ORANGE.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Feliz Navidad
The Anderson Christmas Card

Today has been a home improvement day. Soon I will start painting and Trey and I just hung curtains...finally.
In the living room we have an entire wall of windows. We haven't found any curtain rods long enough. We were originally thinking we'd have to buy 3 or 4 curtain rods and somehow put them all together to make one long rod. That was the plan, until Trey had a great idea. He bought 2---3 dollar conduit poles and put them together. I'm estimating he saved us about 90 dollars. Handyman Trey.
Today has been a home improvement day. Soon I will start painting and Trey and I just hung curtains...finally.
In the living room we have an entire wall of windows. We haven't found any curtain rods long enough. We were originally thinking we'd have to buy 3 or 4 curtain rods and somehow put them all together to make one long rod. That was the plan, until Trey had a great idea. He bought 2---3 dollar conduit poles and put them together. I'm estimating he saved us about 90 dollars. Handyman Trey.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Adding Color to My Life
It's been such a good week for me, especially at work. Since Monday, I've been editing and I completed that project today. When I get back from the holiday break, I have another project waiting for me. Job security, aye.
Well, I'm done with work until the next year. I'm looking forward to the break and I already have a to do list. One thing I want to do is paint a few rooms. I'm seriously considering orange for the master bedroom. I know it sounds crazy, but every paint color I've ever selected has looked great...green, red, blue. Yes, I really like color. I was thinking of backing down from the orange color, but Trey thinks it'll really compliment our furniture. The orange, I'm considering isn't bright, it's more of a burnt tone.
So, Christmas is next week and to get into the holiday spirit, Trey and I drove around the neighborhood and looked at Christmas lights. He kinda got car sick, so it was a short drive. When we got home, to my surprise I saw 3 deer a few yards away from our house. They were beautiful.
Well, I'm done with work until the next year. I'm looking forward to the break and I already have a to do list. One thing I want to do is paint a few rooms. I'm seriously considering orange for the master bedroom. I know it sounds crazy, but every paint color I've ever selected has looked great...green, red, blue. Yes, I really like color. I was thinking of backing down from the orange color, but Trey thinks it'll really compliment our furniture. The orange, I'm considering isn't bright, it's more of a burnt tone.
So, Christmas is next week and to get into the holiday spirit, Trey and I drove around the neighborhood and looked at Christmas lights. He kinda got car sick, so it was a short drive. When we got home, to my surprise I saw 3 deer a few yards away from our house. They were beautiful.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
2 Meals Later
I've gotten mixed reviews from him. Last night I made "Cigar Tortillas" (yeah, it's a weird name). Anyways, I thought the recipe was bland and Trey said he wouldn't mind me making again. Tonight, I made pita pizzas. Now, that was good. Trey didn't care for it and even though the recipes claim they are deceitful, Trey could totally see the spinach in the sauce...hmmm, I guess it's not child proof. After seeing and taking a bite of the pizza, Trey refused to eat the rest.
I should have thought of this to begin with, instead of introducing new recipes to our menu, I'm just going to add veggie purees to select meals that we frequently eat. It's worth a shot, but this week I'm going to make a few more recipes out of the book. Who knows, maybe we'll find something we both like.
These are just a few of the purees: Carrot, Squash, Spinach. Not included in the photo: Acorn Squash, Sweet Potatoes and Cauliflower.
Acorn Squash. The produce guy at Central Market told me this was butternut squash and I didn't know any better...Now I know.
Monday, December 17, 2007
A Mini-Vacation
This past weekend, felt like a mini-vacation. Trey's company had their Christmas party in Abilene and they were so generous to book us a hotel. I love staying at hotel's. Trey and I scooped the place out and found the fitness room. We didn't work out, instead Trey cranked up the treadmill to 10 mph and we took turns testing our speed. I caved at 10 mph and Trey got right up to 11 (show-off).
Sunday we meet up with family at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Cowboys game. And from there we headed home. On the drive home I had to listen to Cowboys commentary on the radio, like I don't hear enough of football.
Now, it's back to work and I'm looking forward to editing. All the students are at home for the holidays and it's going to be nice and quite. Wow, the year is almost over. Where did it go?
Sunday we meet up with family at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Cowboys game. And from there we headed home. On the drive home I had to listen to Cowboys commentary on the radio, like I don't hear enough of football.
Now, it's back to work and I'm looking forward to editing. All the students are at home for the holidays and it's going to be nice and quite. Wow, the year is almost over. Where did it go?
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sneaking-In the Spinach
Have you heard of Jessica Seinfeld's cookbook for kids, Deceptively Delicious?
It's a cookbook marketed to mother's who have kids who hate to eat healthy or in my case a very picky husband. Well, a few months ago Trey and I saw her on Oprah. After watching the episode he encouraged me to add the healthy recipes to our menu. I was so eager, I started looking for the book, but there for a while I couldn't find it at any bookstores (I think it was the Oprah Effect). Well, now I have it and this week I'm gonna to try it out.
The whole idea is to cook normal meals like eggs, pizza, quesadillas, chicken nuggets, burgers, desserts, etc. The catch is adding pureed vegetables and sometimes even fruit to the meals. Trey already told me he doesn't want to know what veggies I'm sneaking in and that's good because that's the whole idea.
I always have fresh greens in the fridge, but it's so nice knowing that Trey will be eating some too. Everyone should add color to their plate, even if you can't see it hehehehe. Let the deceiving begin.
It's a cookbook marketed to mother's who have kids who hate to eat healthy or in my case a very picky husband. Well, a few months ago Trey and I saw her on Oprah. After watching the episode he encouraged me to add the healthy recipes to our menu. I was so eager, I started looking for the book, but there for a while I couldn't find it at any bookstores (I think it was the Oprah Effect). Well, now I have it and this week I'm gonna to try it out.
The whole idea is to cook normal meals like eggs, pizza, quesadillas, chicken nuggets, burgers, desserts, etc. The catch is adding pureed vegetables and sometimes even fruit to the meals. Trey already told me he doesn't want to know what veggies I'm sneaking in and that's good because that's the whole idea.
I always have fresh greens in the fridge, but it's so nice knowing that Trey will be eating some too. Everyone should add color to their plate, even if you can't see it hehehehe. Let the deceiving begin.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Deep Breathe
Today is going to be a busy day. I have two big production shoots. Well, ready or not, here it comes.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Googles Street View
This morning I heard about street view, a new feature in google maps. There is some controversy about it and I can see why...literally. I looked our address up and it's not even on the map, so good luck finding us. No, really you should check this new feature out. I think more good will come out of it than bad.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Staying Warm & Conserving Energy
This is the second night in a row, we've had the fireplace burning. Even Corky likes getting snugly near the flames. I prefer sitting on the brick and roasting marshmallows for s'mores.
It's December and we've only turned the heater on a few times. Thus far, the home insulation is paying for itself. However, I have noticed the bedrooms are significantly cooler that the living area. Trey and I have a heavy winter comforter and we just add another one on top to stay comfortable through the night.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Married by Area Code

That's right, I changed my cell number to a local number (Trey too). I didn't have to change it, but it was time. It was also time for a new cell phone. Friday I went down the DFW AT&T call list, to see who had this phone in stock. Luckily, we found one that had 3 in stock and a worker offered to hold 2 until we made our way to the store. Good thing too because I was getting really tired of my old cell dying every time I sneezed. Trey and I both got the Sony Ericsson Walkman in black/orange not white (hey I just like the white picture).
So far, I'm very pleased with this product. It has all the bells and whistles anyone would expect from a new phone, plus...my favorite--fitness applications. Yeah, its really cool because there are all kinds of fitness tools like pedometer, distance tracker, calorie counter, graphs and charts to view progress. Cool aye?
Now all I have to do is learn how to use the thing. Ha ha ha!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Everyone Loves Corky
Cortnee came over yesterday. We ended up going to see that movie The Golden Compass. This film has a lot of violence. It's definitely not a kids movie, like I originally thought. Other than that, I discovered this french bakery/restuarant that's not too far from where I live. Cortneee and I got a cold drink before the film. I told her the last thing I need to find is a 3 dollar drink that I really like. The caffene was good and the visit was great.
Trey didn't join us, instead he met up with a friend who was in town. They went and watched the Abilene High football game. AHS was playing in the Fort Worth area. Later that night when I got home I had the house to myself so I watched the Pursuit of Happiness....gosh talk about a depressing movie. I almost turned it off because it was such a sad flick. Well, other than that, the rest of the night was good.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Almost Done
Sunday, Trey and got on the roof to mount the Christmas lights. It was pretty windy and I was scared the wind was going to blow us off. We still have about 4 more boxes of lights to mount and Trey promised he was going to finish it soon. Its already Thursday, so I'm wondering when he's going to get to it.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Lights Out
Trey's old boss, from Abilene, was in town today. We meet up with him and went to eat at Fuddruckers for dinner. As we were eating at the table, the lights went out. It must have been a black out on the entire block. It was really dark too. Luckily, Trey had a small flashlight that he put on the table so we could see what we were eating. We ate in the dark for about 15 minutes. When we left, the lights were still out. Yeah, it was an interesting dinner.
Well, it's kinda late for me so I'm gonna turn the lights off...right now.
Well, it's kinda late for me so I'm gonna turn the lights off...right now.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Cell Phone Screams: Kill Me
I've had my cell phone for 2 and a half years. I've never replaced the battery and these last few weeks it's been dying rapidly. Even though I could buy a new battery I would rather upgrade to another phone. I'm with AT&T, but you won't hear anytime soon (by that I mean years) about me getting the iPhone. As much as I love Apple products, this is one product I will pass. I'm hoping the next iPhone that comes out will have turn by turn GPS. That is something I would like to invest in.
No iPhone for me. I have my eyes on another cell and it's fairly inexpensive. The only problem about it, is that it's currently out of stock everywhere in the DFW area. I'm suppose to look online and try to purchase it. I may wait, as my current cell dies a slow and painful death. Every time it beeps, it screams, "Kill Me!"
You wanna hear something funny about my cell? I dropped it while back, while riding on my scooter. I was driving at about 38-40 MPH and it slipped out of my pocket. The battery fell off and I just put it back together. The old Razor and I have been through some hard times, but it's time to say goodbye.
No iPhone for me. I have my eyes on another cell and it's fairly inexpensive. The only problem about it, is that it's currently out of stock everywhere in the DFW area. I'm suppose to look online and try to purchase it. I may wait, as my current cell dies a slow and painful death. Every time it beeps, it screams, "Kill Me!"
You wanna hear something funny about my cell? I dropped it while back, while riding on my scooter. I was driving at about 38-40 MPH and it slipped out of my pocket. The battery fell off and I just put it back together. The old Razor and I have been through some hard times, but it's time to say goodbye.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Clowning Around
Another funny find in the old Anderson video achieve. Natasha is now 14 years old. Trey and I were dating at this time and he remembers her at this age. We both had a good laugh.It was Trey who encouraged me to make this public. He wanted me to post this on her myspace page, but I don't know how to do that, so this is the next best thing. Enjoy.
To Natasha:
Love you sister
To Natasha:
Love you sister
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Good Life
The end of the semester is quickly approaching and I'm working on a graduation video for the RN to BSN class. I picked a song specifically for them---Kanye West: The Good Life. See music Video to your right.
I presented it to my boss and she loved it. Especially, the part where he talks about watching the money pile up. These nurses make a ridiculous amount of money, fresh out of college and they know it.
Other than work, I'm really looking forward to the biggest football game of the year. Trey and I plan on watching Green Bay vs. Dallas tonight. It's gonna be a good one. Note to self: wear ear plugs.
I presented it to my boss and she loved it. Especially, the part where he talks about watching the money pile up. These nurses make a ridiculous amount of money, fresh out of college and they know it.
Other than work, I'm really looking forward to the biggest football game of the year. Trey and I plan on watching Green Bay vs. Dallas tonight. It's gonna be a good one. Note to self: wear ear plugs.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Corky aka Corkscrew
Mom and Tasha stayed at our house last week. From Wednesday to Sunday they gave Corky lots of lovin. Tasha and I took him walking last week, but it was so cold it was hard to enjoy it. Yes, it's getting more difficult to go walking because the temperature is dropping. The good news is, I hear this week temperatures should be in the mid 60's.
The last few weeks I've been training Corky to go walking without a leash. He was doing great for a few weeks, he was walking right next to me, but here lately he's been testing his boundaries. Now, I'm trying to rotate between the leash and without. I've been watching the Dog Whisperer and I've been practicing being the pack leader. I know it sounds so cheesy, but I think Corky is catching on.
Monday, November 26, 2007
I'm not trying to get comments, I'm just addressing a question I've been asked a handful of times
I've had several family members and a few friends who have had a hard time commenting on this blog and then there are some who have no idea how to comment. I've been meaning to address this issue for some time, so I guess this is a good time because I don't have anything else to blog about.
How To Comment on a Post:
Say I write a blog entry that says: I'm Shaving My Hair Off B/C Britney Spears in my hero!
After reading this you may want to write a comment to tell me I'm crazy and if you're smart you'll want to stop me. So, this is how you can do that...At the bottom of each blog entry there is an area that says 0 Comments. You click on that and a box appears. In the box you'll leave your comment that you'd like Trey and I to read, then you choose your identity, most of my blog readers don't have a blogger account, so they would select Other as their identity. When choosing Other, you have the option to leave your name. Type your name and press publish comment and that's it.
P.S. You don't have to comment on this entry. I write you read, no hard feelings.
How To Comment on a Post:
Say I write a blog entry that says: I'm Shaving My Hair Off B/C Britney Spears in my hero!
After reading this you may want to write a comment to tell me I'm crazy and if you're smart you'll want to stop me. So, this is how you can do that...At the bottom of each blog entry there is an area that says 0 Comments. You click on that and a box appears. In the box you'll leave your comment that you'd like Trey and I to read, then you choose your identity, most of my blog readers don't have a blogger account, so they would select Other as their identity. When choosing Other, you have the option to leave your name. Type your name and press publish comment and that's it.
P.S. You don't have to comment on this entry. I write you read, no hard feelings.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Christmas Helmet Tag
The other day I put the Christmas stockings up. I hung the stockings off of snowflake hooks, so I had to move Trey's helmet out of the way. A few minutes later, he shoved the Cowboy helmet on the snowflake. Like I said, he always finds a way to fit football into every holiday. Hmmm, I wondering what he's planning for Valentine's Day.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
I'm Right with You Corky
My morning started early before sunrise. Mom, Tasha, and I hit-up the mall and did a little shopping. The crowd wasn't bad like Mom thought it would be. I tried explaining to her that this isn't like Abilene where you only have one Circuit City in the entire town. Here you have like 20 something (I think that's an exaggeration, but who knows it might be true).
After shopping, I went shopping even more, but this time for groceries. Linda and Steve were in town and stopped by for lunch. I cooked lasagna because I know not everybody likes Thanksgiving leftovers. It was so good to see them and catch up. I miss Linda because now I don't have a crazy friend around who is willing to act insane in front of a camera with me. I showed her and Steve the video I posted online and we all had a good laugh. I'm telling you that video cracks me up. I can't get enough.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Most Anticipated Meal of the Year
This Thanksgiving was by far the smallest gathering. Including Trey and I, we only had six mouths to feed. Yes, we have lots of leftovers. Last year we had over 20 folks at our house, but I guess it's hard to travel this time of year. It was still good and we made the most out of it. Actually, this was the least stressful Thanksgiving ever and it was sort of easy and fun.

Natasha with her pie aka Freakin' Awesome Pie

Momma's in the kitchen

Can you believe I managed to pull Trey away from the football game to sit at the table. I know, it's a first. Thank God, the Cowboys had a mid-afternoon game.

Mom and I are thinking about doing the whole black Friday shopping at the crack of dawn. Well, we were thinking about it, but now we are reconsidering because it's SNOWING. Maybe the snow will stop and the streets won't freeze. You know what I'm thinking...it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Next on the to-do list: Decorate Christmas Tree
Natasha with her pie aka Freakin' Awesome Pie
Momma's in the kitchen
Can you believe I managed to pull Trey away from the football game to sit at the table. I know, it's a first. Thank God, the Cowboys had a mid-afternoon game.
Mom and I are thinking about doing the whole black Friday shopping at the crack of dawn. Well, we were thinking about it, but now we are reconsidering because it's SNOWING. Maybe the snow will stop and the streets won't freeze. You know what I'm thinking...it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Next on the to-do list: Decorate Christmas Tree
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I Crack Myself Up
I have honestly watched the Liar Liar POF Video at least 10 times today. It never gets old. Oh, I have more clips where that came from. Now whether or not I will post them, that's a different story.
Other than watching the Liar Liar video every hour, I almost shredded an important piece of paper. The other day, Trey went through our old bills and documents-the ones that have ID sensitive information. Well, he made a pile for me to take to work to shred, as I was going through the box I noticed my birth certificate. I came this close (you can't see me, but I have my fingers really close together) to shredding my birth record, as well as the cute paper that has my baby footprints on them. It really was a close call because I was sitting right in front of the shredding machine and happen to notice the papers.
Other than watching the Liar Liar video every hour, I almost shredded an important piece of paper. The other day, Trey went through our old bills and documents-the ones that have ID sensitive information. Well, he made a pile for me to take to work to shred, as I was going through the box I noticed my birth certificate. I came this close (you can't see me, but I have my fingers really close together) to shredding my birth record, as well as the cute paper that has my baby footprints on them. It really was a close call because I was sitting right in front of the shredding machine and happen to notice the papers.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Digging Through Home Videos: Liar Liar Pants on Fire
This is a little short movie Linda helped me with, back in 2003. I actually produced it for an ethics presentation, which I got an A on---thank you very much. Now, that I'm thinking about it, I might regret posting this video. When I found it, I knew I had to share it with the world. Maybe this video is like one of those inside jokes, that nobody gets (except you and your best friend), or maybe it's hilarious. Who knows? All I can say is this video made me laugh so hard I almost cried.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Settling Nicely
We don't have much on the walls yet. We're slowly figuring out where we want things to go.
One more thing to add to my ever growing to-do list, is figure out what color I want to paint the bedrooms. Orginally, I wanted to paint the kitchen , but after chatting with Trey he thinks it might be a bad idea. Apparently, the walls are rounded at the edges so the spaces/walls flow right into the next area. If I want to paint one area I better be ready to paint half of the house. At least the bedrooms are seperate.
I love this kitchen. It's so much fun to cook in this space.

This is the mudroom. It's a great place to drop our stuff, as soon as we step in the door.
One more thing to add to my ever growing to-do list, is figure out what color I want to paint the bedrooms. Orginally, I wanted to paint the kitchen , but after chatting with Trey he thinks it might be a bad idea. Apparently, the walls are rounded at the edges so the spaces/walls flow right into the next area. If I want to paint one area I better be ready to paint half of the house. At least the bedrooms are seperate.
I love this kitchen. It's so much fun to cook in this space.
This is the mudroom. It's a great place to drop our stuff, as soon as we step in the door.
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