Not too long ago, I highlighted my own hair. It's was my first time to do it by myself, so considering that I did it and it was my first time I think it looked great! Not professional awesome, but good enough for this girl.

Well, since my roots were starting to show, I decided I wanted to go lighter with a complete hair dye - not just highlights. I bought this box from Garnier Olia, hoping that I would get the same results as the box. That strand of hair on the box is what my hair looked like before I dyed it.

Well, here is the final color. Not even close to the front of the box, but pretty much spot onto the side of the box (you know that one -that says, if your current hair looks like this…this is the likely result).

It didn't completely cover up my highlights from my previous dye, but it covered my roots - so I was happy. Even though, this is not the color I was initially going for, it is a color I dig. It has a red tone to it. I'm likely going to add the lighter carmel highlights, this weekend.
I'm kind of enjoying experimenting with my hair. Stay tune, next month I may have orange hair! haha!